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Thanks For Dropping by Honeys CANTINA !

Welcome to Honeys Cantina !

Fun is " Guaranteed " * You will be sure to enjoy your visit. There are so many things I'd like to tell you. Where do I begin ? ,,,

Lets begin with friends ! ( 1 st. is NICO LOCO ) he's in need of assistance. I'm here to oblidge, he's seeking to find a Mrs. " RIGHT " ... Nico, has certain criterias to meet his needs. Lets see if we can possibly help him in his search.

Nico, is a fun loving sort of guy and Loves GOOD HOME COOKED MEALS. Although, I've had the mis-fortune to lose touch with him but now we are back up & running, ( A FRIEND-SHIP NEVER DIES ) it only gets misplaced. I'm very happy to introduce NICO to you. In the past he used to be one heck of a partier, but now I'm not really sure if he is partying as hard as he once did. I actually think he's finally satisfied with his life and has chosen to settle down. This is a good thing !

Nico, is self employed which gives him the opportunity to be flexible in his schedules. He's always ready to lend a helping hand. He also owns his own home and is a hard worker. He's a well educated person, a man about town. Oh, did I mention he lives in Texas ? ..Yes, ..

Girls, I can tell you he's a nice looking gentleman, I feel you'd be very satisfied with what you's see upon meeting. He is, lets say Forty-ish !

He's loads of fun & has a great sense of humor. Althoughh at times he can be a little TESTY, but then again we all can and we do !

Specific Considerations are: Caucasian, Spanish & Oriental Height requirements are as follows: 5' to 5'6 .. weight is suggestively required to be in proportion to ones frame. Nico, is more loving toward the Petite: Not seeking a Smoking lady, but would consider one that smokes relatively light. As for Cigars that I will have to check and get back to you on. A younger merry Widow is with consideration & hopefully would be self sufficient with means. A furnished photo is a one of the requirements.

Anyone wishing to contact me in regard to Nico's plight yopu can contact me at: All applicants will be considered:

Let me Thank You in advance for you considering my friend " NICO "

Sincerely, Honey !

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