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FattyChan1012 (2:25:03 PM): I'm soooo upset!!!!

Auto response from Lully Poppers (2:25:03 PM): i will not fall asleep in class. i will not fall asleep in class. i will not fall asleep in class. i will not fall asleep in class....Lord please help me not to fall asleep in class today.

New goal for Spring Quarter: No sleeping in class. :-P

FattyChan1012 (2:25:06 PM): the strawberry i was eating
FattyChan1012 (2:25:23 PM): fell out of my mouth and rolled onto the floor and hit holly
FattyChan1012 (2:25:26 PM): :-(
FattyChan1012 (2:25:33 PM): and it woke her up too
FattyChan1012 (2:25:41 PM): darn it!
FattyChan1012 (2:25:53 PM): i wanted to eat that strawberry!
FattyChan1012 (2:26:40 PM): i probably would have too if it didn't hit her and stay there for like a good 2 minutes
FattyChan1012 (2:26:54 PM): i had to make her move so i could pick it up and throw it away
FattyChan1012 (2:27:08 PM): she looked like she was mad at me too for scaring her
FattyChan1012 (2:27:27 PM): grrr...a good strawberry gone to waste :'(
FattyChan1012 (2:27:34 PM): oh the agony
FattyChan1012 (2:27:39 PM): :-P hehehehe
FattyChan1012 (2:28:17 PM): dupid strawberry
FattyChan1012 (2:28:25 PM): why couldn't it just stay in my mouth?
FattyChan1012 is away at 2:32:47 PM.
FattyChan1012 returned at 3:07:24 PM.
Lully Poppers (3:26:22 PM):'re the biggest dork i know
FattyChan1012 (3:28:08 PM): :-D
Lully Poppers (3:28:42 PM): i got an A on my math midterm.
Lully Poppers (3:28:44 PM): omg. what a shocker
Lully Poppers (3:28:48 PM): and i only studied the nite before
FattyChan1012 (3:28:58 PM): =-O you go girl!
FattyChan1012 (3:29:03 PM): ewww that's bad
Lully Poppers (3:29:33 PM): i know
Lully Poppers (3:29:43 PM): i was lazy the entire weekend and didn't study
Lully Poppers (3:29:45 PM): but i got an A
Lully Poppers (3:29:46 PM): yayy
FattyChan1012 (3:31:13 PM): let's celebrate
FattyChan1012 (3:31:15 PM): don't be tooo proud
FattyChan1012 (3:31:21 PM): you did take the class over
Lully Poppers (3:32:09 PM): yah i knw
Lully Poppers (3:32:10 PM): sucks
Lully Poppers (3:32:11 PM): oh well
FattyChan1012 (3:32:15 PM): k gonna go you can call me
FattyChan1012 (3:32:20 PM): maybe i'll find my earpiece
FattyChan1012 (3:32:24 PM): and talk to you on the way to the restaurant
FattyChan1012 (3:32:34 PM): i have a little less than 1/4 tank of agas
FattyChan1012 (3:32:42 PM): think that's ok?
FattyChan1012 (3:32:43 PM): i hope so
FattyChan1012 (3:32:49 PM): cuz i'd be screwed otherwise
FattyChan1012 (3:32:57 PM): i was about ot buy gas today
FattyChan1012 (3:33:01 PM): and was all planning it
FattyChan1012 (3:33:05 PM): until i saw the price
FattyChan1012 (3:33:08 PM): 2.05!
FattyChan1012 (3:33:16 PM): it was 1.96 this morning when i left
FattyChan1012 (3:33:21 PM): but then it changed when i came back home
FattyChan1012 (3:33:23 PM): craziness!
FattyChan1012 (3:33:24 PM): dahhh!
FattyChan1012 (3:33:31 PM): oky time to turn off the laptop
FattyChan1012 (3:33:32 PM): bye!
FattyChan1012 signed off at 3:33:43 PM.