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All About Holly

  • Name: Holly Ann Hunter
  • Age: Fifteen
  • Gender: Female
  • Blood: 1/2 Witch 1/2 Muggle
  • Family: Ryan (Father), Rhiannon (Mother), Lars (Sister), and Maduies (Brother)
  • House: Gryffindor
  • Year: Fourth
  • Nickname: Hunter
  • Interests: Piano, horses, Magizoology
  • Status: Single
  • Crush: *not saying*
  • Her story: Holly grew up in a spilt world. Her parents are divorced, but never re-married. Her mother is an Irish witch and her father is a Muggle who works with the Central Intelligence Agengy in America. Her hollidays were split between London and America, but she always attended school at Hogwarts. She likes the school, and she has a crush on a certain person who she won't tell anyone. She doesn't have many friends because she's shy.