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Ali's Utopia

Welcome to my humble E-home! Come! Relax! Take a load off of you shoulders

and enjoy what I have to offer!



My Favourite Things In Life:

-hot towels right out of the laundery basket

-my cozy warm bed to retreat back to after a long day!

-laying outside on the ground pondering life's biggest questions

-sitting by the fire with marshmellows at hand

-neighborhood get togethers and barbeques

-doing something you never thought you could do

-playing scrabble and drinking hot chocolate when the power goes out

-first crush/love 

-Dancing like crazy in your room when nobody's watching

-inventing something new


Things I am not too fond of!

-Worrying about a grade on a test.

- conferentations with friends

-being lonely

-seeing somebody who i love change into something i am not proud of.

-hearing Mr. Knox scream  (lol)

- when Mr. Knox stares at me like I am nothing!

-when I am mad at myself

-seeing injustice in the world

-hearing George W speak as our (gulp) President.

-hearing about a possibility of war and tragedy


Quotes I make up:


"Live to love and love to live"


"Not having a bumper sticker on the back of my car doesn't mean that I have

no opinion about the war, politics, etc.., it means that my opinion is too

complex to fit on a bumper sticker!"


"The Sun is your spotlight, act."


Random Thoughts:


       Death is inevitable. Everyone turns away from it hoping, praying it

will go away. But after years go by reality takes its place and the pulling

gravity of mortality takes you to the unknown. My grandpa‰Ûªs death came as a

shock to me, naturally because I had never been close to death before. I knew

that some day he would have to, we would all have too, but I thought I was

the exception.

       Finally, my realization is that death is not scary... death is a part

of life... without death, there would be no life, hence I wouldn't get to

even experience the life of my grandpa... i wouldn't get to experience my own



**Why the hell are we here?

Im not gonna answer that question, but i thought i should bring it up on my

page because it is a question i ask myself often...


-"my existence doesn't matter... I am but a ant crawling along this

meaningless highway destined to all go one place...death.." Depressing huh!

-I am begining to think that that outlook on life willl not get me

anywhere... in fact it will get me to a mental place that I do not want to


-So my outlook is this; " Our lives may not be signifacant in the bigger

picture, but arent the joys in life worth living for?"


On a more shallow note, here are some pictures of men I think the girls of

"mazeh" will enjoy:


Coming soonÉ


" PEACE CANNOT BE ACHIEVED BY WAR.... SIMPLE LOGIC." " DO you comprenod Mr. Bush?"

Thank you's!

Thanks to the members for chekin' out my page. There will be new material

every week or so. Thanks to founder Holden for getting t all set-up.