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Ancient Egypt

3100 -- 332 BCE
Chapter 3

The ancient civilization of Egypt is truly the gift of the Nile. The Nile River flooded on a regular schedule each year, replenishing the farm land on the banks of the river and rejuvenating the faith of the people, who had placed their trust in the Pharaoh to assure a



Geography | Key Terms | Key People | Time Line
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Key Terms
Pharaoh Pharaoh is the term used for the kings of Egypt. It is important to realize that the kings of Egypt were not simply political leaders -- they were gods. This cannot be stressed enough: in ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was the god-king on earth.
Pyramid In Egypt, the pyramid was an elaborate tomb constructed for the pharaoh. The Step Pyramid, built during the reign of Djoser (ca 2630-2611 BCE) was Egypt's first architectural wonder. This was followed first by the experimental designs of Snefru's pyramids, and then by The Great Pyramids located at Giza. Though the Old Kingdom is known as "the age of the pyramids," pyramids were built in the Middle Kingdom and at other times in Egyptian history. Click here to learn all about Egyptian pyramids.
Ma'at The Egyptian concept of justice. Everyone had to live according to the laws of ma'at, including the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was essential in maintaining ma'at for the land of Egypt.


ca 6000 BCE Early development
ca 3100 BCE
Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt. Menes becomes the "lord of the two lands" and creates a capital in the Delta region called Memphis.
ca 2660 -- 2180 BCE
The Old Kingdom
The Old Kingdom set the pattern for Egyptian culture and religion, and is known as "the age of the pyramids" for the monumental tombs constructed during the time.