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Benefit of HGH

anti aging

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Now, let us talk about the most powerful way possible to increase growth hormone release: exercise. Vigorous, sustained, anaerobic exercise causes the release of growth hormone, as every serious body builder knows well.

There is one way to block the release of growth hormone, even in the presence of this type of exercise, and that is carbohydrate intake. For maximal effect, body builders consume pure protein, no carbohydrates, and pump iron to exhaustion. (I am not suggesting you do that, only making a point.)

To get the best HGH release, use of the largest muscles in the body is best, namely the lower extremities. A body-builder favorite is to place a heavy barbell on the shoulders and do repeated squats. They do not reach for the sport drink after that because the infusion of carbs wipes out the HGH response.

If you are doing "aerobics," and you want to get into the anaerobic range to reap the benefits of HGH release, it is necessary to press yourself into the painful zone, which is how it feels to be running, bicycling, etc. in an anaerobic condition. The maximum workout time is fifteen to thirty minutes. (This is not something you should try until you have received clearance from your doctor.) After that, if you have done it correctly, you cannot continue, due to exhaustion. Recovery should take five minutes, and at that time your heart should have returned to its resting rate. If it does not, see your doctor.

Also, if you do not feel absolutely wonderful thirty minutes later, see your doctor about possible adrenal weakness. Of course, your doctor must also be aware of these things, and therefore I recommend that you human growth hormone choose your doctor carefully. Not all docs are informed about exercise hormone physiology, since there is no synthetic drug to prescribe for it.

Of course, you must get your doctor's okay before you do these types of strenuous exercises pumping iron and "anaerobic aerobics." You must be certain that your heart can take it, and you must begin slowly and build up. I strongly recommend that you find a trainer to help get you started.

Ornithine--keto-glutarate, Creatine, and L-Arginine

Ornithine--keto-glutarate is the only commercially available substance known to cause the release of HGH. The effect is modest and is nothing compared to direct supplementation with real HGH. Nevertheless, many body builders use it with every workout. If building lean muscle mass, and decreasing body fat is what you want, there is a better choice: creatine. Creatine is cheaper and more effective. It has a dramatic effect, even in the absence of exercise. Creatine is the substance in meat which causes muscle growth. It is the very reason some people say they "get something from meat" which they feel they cannot get from a vegetarian diet. A mere two grams daily is sufficient to do the job. It is odorless, tasteless, and mixes well with food, water or juice. Wait thirty days for the full result, or if you want quick results, use six grams per day for one week, then back off to two grams per day. Creatine is excellent for treating the "dwindles" of old age — that condition in which old people literally shake with weakness. After a few weeks, the shaking stops as strength returns. It is a dramatic effect.