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Convo between me and Ashley

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ShLeE1207: hey HB HoNeY 1: hi ShLeE1207: i heard bout the sami thing ShLeE1207: u ok? HB HoNeY 1: wtf HB HoNeY 1: why would i not be okay HB HoNeY 1: haila-ure a ugly trasy bitch!!!!me and shelly are sooo glad u moved and have fun talking trash on shelly with nick cause u will never have him so keep on dreaming! ShLeE1207: where did that come from HB HoNeY 1: its on her profile ShLeE1207: errr ShLeE1207: did u tell nicole HB HoNeY 1: yeah HB HoNeY 1: yesterday sami pretended to be nick ShLeE1207: yea nicole showed me the convo HB HoNeY 1: it was so gay did she show you what she said ShLeE1207: yepper ShLeE1207: does that nick kid really talk like that and say hunnie? HB HoNeY 1: nope HB HoNeY 1: he doesnt talk like that at all ShLeE1207: lmao HB HoNeY 1: i knew it was sami HB HoNeY 1: for real! its sami HB HoNeY 1: haha HB HoNeY 1: i was laughing so hard ShLeE1207: lmao HB HoNeY 1: when she was pretending to be him ShLeE1207: yea it sounded pretty funny HB HoNeY 1: lol HB HoNeY 1: haha HB HoNeY 1: why did you tell i was the one who singed her guestbook HB HoNeY 1: *signed ShLeE1207: i didnt HB HoNeY 1: oh i see ShLeE1207: she goes....did u sign my guest boook and i was liek no HB HoNeY 1: she spelled trashy wrong ShLeE1207: and she goes then who did HB HoNeY 1: and ShLeE1207: then i was like its either haila zac or nicole HB HoNeY 1: you went haila right ShLeE1207: and she goes omg!@ HB HoNeY 1: gee thanks ShLeE1207: i knew it was haila ShLeE1207: lol HB HoNeY 1: lmao ShLeE1207: and i was like sure! ShLeE1207: lol HB HoNeY 1: i didnt have anything to do with the carolyn thing ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: she chose nick over her sooo called best friend(shelly) and she lied straigh to shelly and i was there and we have proof! and then shes going off and saying shit to nick about her! HB HoNeY 1: oh please HB HoNeY 1: i dont talk about shelly to nick HB HoNeY 1: thats last thing on our minds ShLeE1207: yea and she said that since u called her a drama queen that one time she knew it was u cuz the person who signed her guestboook called her a drama queen ShLeE1207: lol ShLeE1207: and that same moring i called her a drama queen HB HoNeY 1: lmao HB HoNeY 1: i didnt choose nick over her ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: do u think shelly needs that ShLeE1207: no ShLeE1207: but ShLeE1207: that fight is between haila and shelly ShLeE1207: u know? HB HoNeY 1: tell her to quit be rachelles mouth HB HoNeY 1: shelly should be mad anyways ShLeE1207: alrighty hold up HB HoNeY 1: **shouldn't ShLeE1207: lol oh HB HoNeY 1: haha ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: shelly told me to put in my profile SweetSamiBabie: plus i never liked haila SweetSamiBabie: ! ShLeE1207: lol ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: and its a free country and if i wanna call her a bitch i can ShLeE1207: yea...but not in u'r info ShLeE1207: u know ShLeE1207: if u take it out ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: well im in nicoles info ShLeE1207: nicole will take hers out ShLeE1207: i yelled at nicole for it to ShLeE1207: SweetSamiBabie: yeah right ShLeE1207: i told her im not gonant alk to her till SweetSamiBabie: happy?!? ShLeE1207: yes thanck u sami for being mature!!!! ShLeE1207: luv ya HB HoNeY 1: your like befriending her ShLeE1207: lol ShLeE1207: i got her to take that out didnt i ShLeE1207: and i dont hate sami ShLeE1207: so i am her friend ShLeE1207: im not takin sides in this fight ShLeE1207: 'im just doing what is right HB HoNeY 1: uh huh ShLeE1207: lol HB HoNeY 1 wants to directly connect. ShLeE1207 is now directly connected. ShLeE1207: FlCn BaSeBaLl 09 ShLeE1207: who is that HB HoNeY 1: cody HB HoNeY 1: hbhoney1: i got my hair highlighted American1angel86: ooh blonde?? hbhoney1: ya hbhoney1: lol hbhoney1: im part blonde now =-O American1angel86: lol sexxy! hbhoney1: i know hbhoney1: it looks cool though hbhoney1: you talking to nick? American1angel86: no American1angel86: I'm not getting anymore highlights hbhoney1: oh i thought you would be hbhoney1: lol American1angel86: I like my hair brown hbhoney1: lol okay American1angel86: no... I don't talk to him anymore hbhoney1: i see hbhoney1: why not American1angel86: he's not worth talking to hbhoney1: that was low hbhoney1: why not? American1angel86: it's a waste of time talking to nick hbhoney1: oh i see American1angel86: yeah I've never seen nick before and he never talks to me American1angel86: who cares though hbhoney1: oh American1angel86: i never want to talk to him again American1angel86: even if he IMs me hbhoney1: k American1angel86: hey I gotta go American1angel86: call me sometimes American1angel86: **sometime American1angel86: lylas!!!! hbhoney1: okay hbhoney1: you can call me too hbhoney1: 918-296-3993 American1angel86: alright lylas hbhoney1: lylas more American1angel86: nuh uh! American1angel86: LYLAS more>>>>>> hbhoney1: yes huh hbhoney1: lylas more infinity American1angel86: no way!!! American1angel86: lylas more infinity X's two hbhoney1: okay you win hbhoney1: but im 2nd American1angel86: lol alright American1angel86: lylas byes hbhoney1: bye HB HoNeY 1: so i asked nick why he hated her ShLeE1207: oh icic ShLeE1207: did u get cody to im cody? HB HoNeY 1: you mean sami HB HoNeY 1: naw i just sent him what she had in her profile and he got mad HB HoNeY 1: Weldon920: hey hbhoney1: hey whats up? Weldon920: nothing u hbhoney1: aww i just got out of the shower hbhoney1: anything interesting happen today? Weldon920: yeah i had soccer conditionin hbhoney1: lol explain Weldon920: idk it wasnt interestin...just VERY tirin Weldon920: lifting from 4-6..running till 730 hbhoney1: i see Weldon920: lol hbhoney1: rachelle was talking about you today hbhoney1: she said quote nick aint worth my time unquote hbhoney1: what happened? Weldon920: i dont even fuckin talk to that bitch hbhoney1: why what happened? Weldon920: oh she's fuckin done Weldon920: idk we jsut dont talk Weldon920: and she fuckin says that Weldon920: she never WAS worth my fuckin time...ugly ass bitch hbhoney1: she said more hbhoney1: did you want to see the convo? Weldon920: yeah hbhoney1: okay hold on hbhoney1: hbhoney1: i got my hair highlighted American1angel86: ooh blonde?? hbhoney1: ya hbhoney1: lol hbhoney1: im part blonde now =-O American1angel86: lol sexxy! hbhoney1: i know hbhoney1: it looks cool though hbhoney1: you talking to nick? American1angel86: no American1angel86: I'm not getting anymore highlights hbhoney1: oh i thought you would be hbhoney1: lol American1angel86: I like my hair brown hbhoney1: lol okay American1angel86: no... I don't talk to him anymore hbhoney1: i see hbhoney1: why not American1angel86: he's not worth talking to hbhoney1: that was low hbhoney1: why not? American1angel86: it's a waste of time talking to nick hbhoney1: oh i see American1angel86: yeah I've never seen nick before and he never talks to me American1angel86: who cares though hbhoney1: oh American1angel86: i never want to talk to him again American1angel86: even if he IMs me hbhoney1: k American1angel86: hey I gotta go American1angel86: call me sometimes American1angel86: **sometime American1angel86: lylas!!!! hbhoney1: okay hbhoney1: you can call me too hbhoney1: 918-296-3993 American1angel86: alright lylas hbhoney1: lylas more American1angel86: nuh uh! American1angel86: LYLAS more>>>>>> hbhoney1: yes huh hbhoney1: lylas more infinity American1angel86: no way!!! American1angel86: lylas more infinity X's two hbhoney1: okay you win hbhoney1: but im 2nd American1angel86: lol alright American1angel86: lylas byes hbhoney1: bye hbhoney1: :-\ Weldon920: oh thats fuckin it hbhoney1: what are you going to do? Weldon920: she's gunna fuckin hear from me Weldon920: and shes gunna fuckin like it Weldon920: i'll make her want to fuckin die hbhoney1: okay hbhoney1: but dont get her to hate me either hbhoney1: okay? Weldon920: i'll try not... Weldon920: no i wont Weldon920: but can i tell her you showed me the convo hbhoney1: she might get mad Weldon920: shit...i'll just flip on her then hbhoney1: say you asked about her and i sent then Weldon920: well she'll forgive you hbhoney1: lol Weldon920: oh Weldon920: ok* hbhoney1: okay hbhoney1: so how are you doing? HB HoNeY 1: American1angel86: omg haila come back Auto response from hbhoney1: I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up the whole screen. American1angel86: my brother was talking to nick yesterday American1angel86: louie acted like such a retard American1angel86: nick was calling me a bitch and whatnot hbhoney1: really? hbhoney1: what happened? American1angel86: like nick IMed me hbhoney1: oh and? American1angel86: and my brother was on my screen name without telling me hbhoney1: lol hbhoney1: what did he say American1angel86: and nick IMs me and goes "whats up bitch" American1angel86: and louie goes American1angel86: shut the hell up hbhoney1: why what'd you do American1angel86: lmao hbhoney1: ?? American1angel86: i just found out a couple minutes ago hbhoney1: oh hbhoney1: lol hbhoney1: that sux American1angel86: i know!!! he acted like such a retard! American1angel86: did you tell him what I said... he never usually IMs me American1angel86: I wont be mad American1angel86: im just curious hbhoney1: who did nick or louie American1angel86: louie acted like retard hbhoney1: i asked if he ever talked to you hbhoney1: and he goes not really why and i went j/w hbhoney1: then we talked about some girl on yahoo American1angel86: oh hbhoney1: ya American1angel86: I hate Nick Weldon American1angel86: well I g2g call me later lylas hbhoney1: oh okay hbhoney1: see ya hbhoney1: i thought you were leaving American1angel86 signed off at 12:20:21 PM. ShLeE1207: lol HB HoNeY 1: American1angel86: is Nick Weldon on? hbhoney1: idk American1angel86: or did he block me hbhoney1: why American1angel86: because I want to let him know that wasnt me online last night hbhoney1: i dont think he is hbhoney1: oh okay hbhoney1: All guys are pricks except my baby pj! :-P x markus x nick x mike x rich hbhoney1: is that nick w or parker hbhoney1: ? American1angel86: both hbhoney1: oh American1angel86: i blocked nick American1angel86: i never want to talk to him again American1angel86: and im keeping to that Auto response from hbhoney1: i'm running around in my underwear ill bbl American1angel86: weirdo American1angel86: lol hbhoney1: lol i know Auto response from American1angel86: Be back in a few... ~*Shelly*~ HB HoNeY 1: American1angel86: you lied to me hbhoney1: i did hbhoney1: ? American1angel86: I can't believe you hbhoney1: about what American1angel86: you sent all that shit to nick hbhoney1: what you said yesterday American1angel86: didnt you know I was joking? hbhoney1: umm American1angel86: I can't believe you American1angel86: you're supposed to be my fuckin friend!! hbhoney1: i didnt do anything American1angel86: YES YOU DID! American1angel86: and you LIED about it hbhoney1: i sent him what you said about it being your brother American1angel86: no American1angel86: American1angel86: were you talking to my brother the other night :-\ Weldon920: no i saw what you said to haila the other day Weldon920: u dont wanna fuckin talk to me Weldon920: and all that shit American1angel86: wtf American1angel86: I said you never talk to me when IM you so it's a waste of my time Weldon920: no you were like he's a prick or something like that American1angel86: wtf I never called you a prick! American1angel86: I called my ex a prick! American1angel86: his names nick too Weldon920: no she said nick w. or nick parker and you said both American1angel86: no I didn't!!! Weldon920: and then u said u have me blocked and ur gunna keep it at that American1angel86: ? American1angel86: no all I said was that you never talk to me American1angel86: my brother was on my screen name hbhoney1: ya rachelle that was yesterdays hbhoney1: i still have the convo American1angel86: send it to me hbhoney1: American1angel86: is Nick Weldon on? hbhoney1: idk American1angel86: or did he block me hbhoney1: why American1angel86: because I want to let him know that wasnt me online last night hbhoney1: i dont think he is hbhoney1: oh okay hbhoney1: All guys are pricks except my baby pj! :-P x markus x nick x mike x rich hbhoney1: is that nick w or parker hbhoney1: ? American1angel86: both hbhoney1: oh American1angel86: i blocked nick American1angel86: i never want to talk to him again American1angel86: and im keeping to that Auto response from hbhoney1: i'm running around in my underwear ill bbl American1angel86: weirdo American1angel86: lol hbhoney1: lol i know Auto response from American1angel86: Be back in a few... ~*Shelly*~ hbhoney1: that was yesterday hbhoney1: i wanted to let him know that it was your brother on hbhoney1: sry American1angel86: ic hbhoney1: ya hbhoney1: besides i thought you didnt care about nick anymore American1angel86: I was pissed off the other night hbhoney1: and the night before that hbhoney1: and before that American1angel86: YES American1angel86 signed off at 12:07:47 PM HB HoNeY 1: hbhoney1: the reason i told sami i could care less was because its childish to still be playing these little games.... first of all you shouldn't talk behind peoples back im sick and tired of all this drama it's not my fault you said that stuff about nick and from you told you didnt care..... your a hypocrit. do you know what that is?? its someone who says something but doesn hbhoney1: t really know what there doing American1angel86: no YOURE supposed to be my friend what was all that shit about me being your best friend... you never fucking meant it bitch hbhoney1: no yourse supposed to be MY friend hbhoney1: you treated me like shit all year hbhoney1: same with you.... you were alll goody goody to my face and then you talked shit about me behind my back hbhoney1: i never once did that to you hbhoney1: NEVER hbhoney1: some friend you are American1angel86: yeah but if it ever came down to it you would choose Nick weldon over me hbhoney1: i dont know hbhoney1: nick doesnt talk shit about me American1angel86: dont fucking lie you would American1angel86: i bet hbhoney1: maybe because hes a better friend hbhoney1: look what you started rachelle you git us hating each other now hbhoney1: *got American1angel86: good I dont deserve a friend like you American1angel86: **sarcastic* American1angel86: hmm some friendship youre going to have with Nick... hbhoney1: you never met him American1angel86: like I want to hbhoney1: and i wasnt saying i liked nick better i said he treated me better American1angel86: just wait a couple months... that wont last ery long hbhoney1: i've known him for over a year now hbhoney1: i dont think anything is going to change American1angel86: yeah but when did you two start talking.... a week ago? hbhoney1: we've been talking American1angel86: you never talked b4 because you "hated" him hbhoney1: i never once said that hbhoney1: you did American1angel86: yes you did you were mad at both of us and you know it hbhoney1: and dont go get mad at me because i said nick treated me better... you didnt even deny treating me like shit hbhoney1: and so were you American1angel86: i dont deny treating you like shit... who could blame me the way you treated me before American1angel86: always putting me down hbhoney1: wtf hbhoney1: i never put you down hbhoney1: how the hell do that hbhoney1: explain this to me American1angel86: YOU CANT FUCKING LIE ABOUT THAT hbhoney1: i want you to tell me how i put YOU down American1angel86: you would always go shelly your hair looks messed up, shelly you look bad today wtf hbhoney1: i did not American1angel86: and you expect me to treat you like a queen or something? hbhoney1: oh please hbhoney1: your making that stuff up hbhoney1: oh i see have to think of some good comebacks hbhoney1: dont talk to me anymore American1angel86 signed off at 3:42:33 PM. hbhoney1: then i blocked her ShLeE1207: oh