Ancient U.F.O History and Mythology of G.I.

Kevhead found this totally cool story about a chick and about G.I. We hope to get her over for a visit someday. Check this story !!! CROWNSTONE UFO AND THE FIRST MU CONTINENT (G.I).............................. There was a professor talking about Green Island with DaDa. DaDa said Green Island appeared earlier than Taiwan. The professor was against DaDa's points of view. After verifying, the professor knew that DaDa was correct. DaDa said before 6000 years ago, DaDa and LaLa rode the Crownstone UFO to earth from the outer space. They landed on Taiwan (the second Mu continent in earth period. The first Mu continent——Sanasai, is composed of Green Island, LanYu and Dibun) The place where the UFO landed is Crownstone Garden. It'll become the highest point in the world. From DaDa's answer, we can know many unsolved mysteries for centuries. For example, where is Mu continent? What is the Crownstone on the top of pyramid? Who is the first human race on earth? DaDa solved these questions and they are also verified, such as "Crownstone Garden is the highest point on earth in the future". After DaDa telling us this viewpoint, there is a French geologist who has the same conclusion. DaDa said:" Puyuma is the earliest human race on earth." Soon after an archeologist and anthropologist also reported the same theory. We also read some magazines that reported "Mu continent is in Taiwan." DaDa's information is not through the scientific way to research or detect. This is what we called "the super consciousness and super science". Every time I heard the truth of the universe from DaDa, what DaDa said would be verified after all. It's really incredible! We are so glad DaDa can stay on earth at the end of this century. I'm also so glad to follow DaDa to make efforts for human's spirits. However, we're so sad for DaDa will leave us one day because DaDa said:" after finishing the job in this world, I'll be in nirvana (the same with death) and I'll go to the other space to work." DaDa is a quiet worker. She doesn't ask for fame and benefits or show-off. We're like one family to care each other. DaDa spends all her energy to teach us and doesn't ask any reward. Now we understand "DaDa's method without method" gives us the greatest power and the holiest gift in the universe. You don't have to pray her but DaDa will give the precious power to you. This kind of power can only be compared with the love of AmaMumu. Anyone who hears Minami DaDa can also have the incredible blessing. DaDa is in one body with Amamumu so her power can spread everywhere. Her name is like the breeze, rain, sun and air around us. DaDa's love takes care every sentient being on earth. DaDa is like Hello Kitty in everyone's heart.

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