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JMU Mike Grabowski's Web Site

Welcome to My Site!05/05/03

Photo Gallery
My Resume


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Welcome to my Web site!

My name is Mike Grabowski and I am currently a sophomore at James Madison University.  My parents are Walter and Sharon Grabowski, and I have a brother and sister, who both attended UVA.  I was born in Columbia, MD, but mostly grew up in Fairfax, Va.  I attended Woodson high school where I played lacrosse and golf.  I am into music and movies as well.  Check out the rest of the site to find out more about me, or just click here to read more about my interests or even read my resume.

Favorite Links


Here's a brief view of some of my favorite links:

bulletWashington Post
bulletGoogle (a great search engine)

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On the run and need some quick weather info? Just click on tornado and visit, a great site for current weather information.

Photo Album

JMU information

Check out this small photo album (more pictures to come).   Stay up to date with what is happening at James Madison University.  Need to reach a professor, find out UREC hours, or library info? Head to

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This site was last updated 05/05/03