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Unit 4 - Exploration of the Universe

Overall Expectations of this Unit

Students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of how scientific evidence and technological advances support the development of theories about the formation,evolution, structure, and nature of our solar system and the universe
- investigate and predict the appearance and motion of visible celestial objects
- evaluate how human endeavours and interest in space have contributed to our understanding of outer space, the Earth, and living things, and describe Canadian contributions to space exploration

Chapter 13 - The Changing View From Earth

In this chapter students learn about our solar system. Begining with Earth's past people
and their views of the sky from Earth, they then go on to learn about the view of our solar
system as it is today. Students will study the motions of the Sun, Planets, Moon and Stars when seen from the Earth as well.

Chapter 14 - The Lives of the Stars

This chapter allows students to discover the steps in a stars' brilliant life.
They will learn how astronomers analyze starlight in order to find a star's temperature, make-up
and size. The Hertzprung-Russell diagram and what it revealed about the stars will be discussed.

Chapter 15 - Exploring the Cosmos

Chapters 13 and 14 concentrated on our solar system and the stars, while
this chapter explores the universe as a whole. Students learn how the distance between stars and other
objects in the universe are measured. They will also investigate scientific evidence that may point to
how and when the universe was created.

Chapter 16 - Earth and Space

In the last chapter, students discovered the effects that the Sun and Moon have on the
Earth. They will now learn about Canada's role in space research, the ways that we search for extra
terrestrial life, why satellites are so important, and what careers are related to the study of space.