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Unit 3 - Characteristics of Electricity

Overall Expectations for this Unit

Students will:
- describe and apply models of static and current electricity
- design and conduct investigations into electrical circuits found in everyday life and into the quantitative relationships among current, potential difference, and resistance.
- evaluate the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits arising from the methods of electrical energy production used in Canada

Chapter 9 - Static Electricity

In this chapter students will learn how electric charges have the ability to
create fantastical occurances. Students realize how objects become charged and learn how
to use these electric charges in their own way. Lightening is also discussed.

Chapter 10 - Electricity on the Move

This chapter studies the concept of electricity. Students learn about the fundamental
parts of a circuit used to turn on a light, heat up some mac and cheese, or turn off the
television. Students define words such as potential difference, current, resistance, and power.

Chapter 11 - Practical Electricity

Students discover the way in which electrical circuits are used in the home and investigate
ways to reduce the amount of energy they use. They will also learn
how to calculate the cost of operating an electrical device.

Chapter 12 - Electricity and the Environment

In this chapter, students discover how chemical reactions make electricity. They also learn
the most commonly used forms of energy that generate electricity, the difference
between renewable and non-renewable energy, and the main difference between primary and secondary cells.