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Unit 2 - Atoms and Elements

Overall Expectations of this Unit

Students will:
- describe various models of the atom, the atomic structure of common elements,
and their organization in the periodic table
- investigate the physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds
and use the periodic table to predict properties of elements
- describe technologies associated with the refinement, use,
and recycling of chemical elements and compounds

Chapter 5 - Properties and Changes

This chapter explores matter, its properties and its behaviours. Some theories and
facts about matter are also explored. Students will perform investigations
using chemistry and make qualitative and quantitative observations.

Chapter 6 - Meet The Elements

In this chapter students learn the properties used to define elements and see
how elements relate to one another. They will learn about the
chemical reactivity of metals according to their properties by performing
laboratory tests. Lastly, elements are organized onto the table of
elements according to patterns in their properties.

Chapter 7 - Models of Atomic Structure

This chapter includes discoveries in radioactivity and how it is used to analyze
the structure of atoms. It explains why atoms may have the same elements as
each other, but have different masses. Students will also find out how scientists
discovered electrons and protons.

Chapter 8 - Chemical Bonding

This chemical contains information regarding the bonding of chemicals. Pupils
learn how molecules bind together to make up different substances. They will also perform tests
to identify whether or not a substance is ionic or covalent.