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Help Me!
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Sometimes it seems they are everywhere. On the street corner, outside the store… everywhere. Beggars. They have their little signs, asking for you to spare a couple bucks so they can eat. Well, that’s what I’m doing… sort of. I’m not asking you for money to eat, or to even keep a roof over my home. I at least have that under control. But that’s about all I have under control. You see I’ve gotten myself into a pickle. I had a car repossessed so that my husband could go to school. I’ve sacrificed everything I can so that he can follow his dreams.

So, I’ve decided to get creative, and beg Online.

I’ve gotten that desperate. I need to pay off my debt, and I just don’t make enough to do it. I’ve even thought about having my virgin pornographer friend take some pictures of me to sell to make money. It’s gotten that bad.

Basically, I’m asking you, the person sitting at the desk reading this, to help me out. I’m not asking for much. Just $1! (But, you can donate as much as you want – Personally I like bigger donations, but I’ll take what I can get. As the saying goes, beggars can’t be choosers!)

By now, you are probably asking how will you know that your money is going to pay off my debt. Well, what I plan on doing, is to keep a journal of my donations received, and at least once a month show where it went.

I’ve also joined a bunch of “Paid To” programs that you could join to, which will give me referrals, which in turn will give me money as well.

So please, take a minute on click on the Ways To Help link, and just see what you might be able to do. You will spend more time reading this web site than you will helping me out. Please, it’s just $1!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Email me at:

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