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Hydrogen Peroxide
Uses & Dilutions

At the end of this page is an article on Oxy-Plus copied from a Usenet post. The purpose of this page is to list plant related applications H2O2 products are commonly used for, and to provide dilutions for the three most popular strengths commonly available - 3%, 17.5% and 35%.

About H2O2 Products

The actual content of H2O2 in H2O2 products can vary considerably from product to product. The content is given as a percentage figure indicating how much H2O2 is actually contained within the product (also known as its purity or strength). You must read the label to know the purity of your product.

It should be noted that Oxy-Plus is a product name that is easy to confuse with other products. There is also an Oxy-Plus brand name product from Growth Technology with 17.5% H2O2 content, not the 35% content mentioned in the article on this page. It's believed the 35% solution has been revised since the article was written and is now a 17.5% solution carrying slightly modified instructions. However, there are still 35% products on the market. The dilutions from both the article and the revised instructions are compiled in the below tables along with dilutions for use with the more popular generic 3% hydrogen peroxide product commonly found in drug stores.

Oxygen-Plus is not the same as Oxy-Plus. In fact, both names seem to be commonly used with many H2O2 related products. I've seen an Oxy-Plus product meant to be taken internally by humans, another product to put in with your wash, and yet another as a mild plant food, and none stated the H2O2 content on the label. Make sure your product is suitable to be used with living plants for it may contain other ingredients harmful to plants. Look for good labeling, make sure you know which product you have and its H2O2 content.

Uses and Dilutions

H2O2Dilutions are given in milliliters (ml) per US Gallon and per Liter. In cases where less than one ml is used, drops will also be given as a practical alternative for dispensing such a small measure. 19 drops per ml will be used as the base, however, because drop size can vary with the dropper utensil being used it isn't very accurate. Limit the use of drops to mixing small volumes of 1 Liter or 1 US gallon or less, use milliliters whenever possible.


H2O2 Dilutions




US Gallon


US Gallon


US Gallon








850ppm H2O2 (800ppm Oxygen + 50ppm Hydrogen)


Increase oxygen content in hydro systems
2-3 times a week
H2O2 Dilutions




US Gallon


US Gallon


US Gallon





9.5 drops

18 drops

4.8 drops

87ppm H2O2 (82ppm Oxygen + 5.2ppm Hydrogen)

Note: 30-50ppm seems to be safe for hydro systems/tanks,
and up to 100ppm may to be OK for a short period of time.
Use your best judgment.

Increase oxygen content in hydro systems
on a daily basis
H2O2 Dilutions




US Gallon


US Gallon


US Gallon




18 drops

4.8 drops

9 drops

2.4 drops

44ppm H2O2 (41ppm Oxygen + 2.6ppm Hydrogen)


Seed Germination
Treating Rockwool
Misting Solution
H2O2 Dilutions




US Gallon


US Gallon


US Gallon







15 drops

273ppm H2O2 (257ppm Oxygen + 16ppm Hydrogen)

If you want to further convert into ounces, cups, etc. use this liquid conversion chart.

The 35% article as posted to Usenet

Oxy - Plus contains 35% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) in a stabilised form. H2O2 is highly oxygenating in action. It is a chemical which is fundamental to life itself, participating in many of the metabolic processes in plants and animals. When added to the nutrient tank it will quickly break down into pure water, releasing the extra Oxygen ion into the solution where it can be taken up by the roots in much the same way as nutrient ions.

In plants the extra Oxygen provided will massively stimulate protein production at the cellular level. This will greatly enhance the photosynthetic process, leading to bushier plants with larger leaves, thicker stems and shorter internodes. Plants will be stronger and leaves will be darker, thus collecting light with greater efficiency and further improving photosynthetic response.

Oxy - Plus has many applications in the greenhouse or growroom. It can be used to improve germination of seeds and to increase strike rates of cuttings. It can be added to the nutrient tank and also used as a Foliar feed. Finally it can be used at the end of the season to disinfect the system and to clear out decaying organic material from growing media.

Test Strips.
Used to monitor levels of Oxy-Plus in nutrient solutions. Strips are easy to use and show a wide range from 1 - 100 ppm H2O2. These readings will allow the easy monitoring and maintenance of effective levels of H2O2 in the nutrient tank. Optimum level for hydroponic systems is 30 - 100 ppm H2O2.

Growing with H202 35%
OXY-PLUS is just one of a number of high performance Growth Enhancers now available to the dedicated grower. These instructions are based on a range of agents, including Oxy-Plus which work best together. In all cases Oxy-Plus can be used on its own for the applications suggested. In all cases it is important to stick to the recommended dosage. Oxy-Plus is a very powerful chemical and higher doses can be harmful to plants.


Seed Germination
To a Litre of lukewarm water add;
15 drops Oxy-Plus
5 mls ( 1 teaspoon) Nitrozyme

Stir thoroughly. Soak seeds in this solution for 24 hrs. before germinating in the usual way. Seeds treated in this way will germinate faster and produce more vigorous seedlings.

Cuttings (Clones)
Stock plant (mother).
Stock plant should be sprayed or misted with Nitrozyme about two weeks before cuttings are to be taken. This will produce a flush of vigorous new shoot growth and provide plenty of material for cuttings.

To each Litre of lukewarm water add;
5 mls ( 1 teaspoon) Nitrozyme
1 - 2 mls Agral.
15 drops Oxy-Plus

Mist stock plant thoroughly with this mixture. Apply when light levels are low, early morning is best time.

Treating RockWool
Take an appropriate amount of lukewarm water. Adjust pH to 5.5.
For each Litre add;
15 drops Oxy-Plus
5 mls Nitrozyme

Allow RockWool cubes to soak in this solution until thoroughly saturated. Set aside to drain.

Take cuttings in the usual way. Most species are propagated best from softwood tips. Selected material should show signs of healthy vigorous growth. Stems should be thick and firm and foliage should be dark green. We highly recommend Clonex Hormone Rooting Gel as the best product for root initiation.

Once all cuttings are in place, mist them thoroughly;
For misting solution,
to each Litre of lukewarm water add;
5 mls ( 1 teaspoon) Nitrozyme
1 - 2 mls Agral.
15 drops Oxy-Plus
To encourage speedy root initiation on your cuttings, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment in which this is taking place......Cuttings need to be kept in a very humid environment and will benefit from frequent misting. Best way to ensure ideal rooting environment is to use a propagator with a heated base and a high clear plastic cover. Keep cover on for at least three days then begin to open vents. Mist regularly with Nitrozyme Foliar as above.

Hydroponic Systems
To each 10 Litres of Tank Volume add;
5 mls ( 1 teaspoon) Nitrozyme
2.5 mls.Oxy-Plus
5 mls Earth Food
Stir thoroughly before circulating to plants.
Oxy Plus should be added to tank two or three times a week to maintain optimum levels of free Oxygen in the solution. Test strips are available to assist the grower in this (see your Hydroponic retailer).

This info was included in the revised instructions, this is as good a place as any to include it.
Quote: "If it's convenient to add Oxy-Plus on a daily basis, then it should be added at the rate of 5ml per 20 Liters of tank volume."
The revised instructions are for use with the 17.5% Oxy-Plus product. For using on a daily basis with the 35% product, simply halve the quantities just mentioned to 2.5ml per 20 liters of tank volume)

Foliar Feeding Rocket Fuel
Foliar feeding is the most efficient way to maximise benefits from these extraordinary natural growth enhancers. University studies have shown that correctly applied Foliar nutrition can be up to TEN times as useful to the plants as dry fertilisers. The following recipe is widely used in California where it is considered the ultimate growth booster and is affectionately known as Rocket Fuel.

To each Litre of water pH 6, slightly warmed, add the following ingredients, stirring or shaking thoroughly between each new addition.
1. 15 drops Oxy-Plus
This will remove any Chlorine and increase level of Oxygen availability, improving nutrient uptake and usage in plants.
2. 36 drops Agral.
3. 5 mls Nitrozyme
4. 30 mls Earth Food
Shake mixture thoroughly and mist the entire plant. Plants should be treated in this manner every two to three weeks and definitely no more than once a week. Foliar feeding should ALWAYS be carried out in low light, early morning or late evening. The above solution can also be used to water the root zone of plants. First dilute the mixture with four volumes of water. (One Litre of the above mixture will therefore make up to five Litres of watering solution).

Oxy-Plus can be used to clean and sterilise your hydroponic system and growing medium. It is a powerful and very aggressive liquid and it will effectively kill all pathogens and harmful bacteria. After application it will rapidly break down to harmless substances and there is no risk of damage to future crops. For this reason Oxy-Plus is a much better material for sterilisation than Hypochlorite.

If you are using a medium such as Perlite or expanded clay you will need to remove as many of the old roots as possible. You can then soak the medium in a concentrated solution of Oxy-Plus. This will oxidise organic matter in the medium and assist in its rapid decomposition. Remember to flush medium with fresh water before re-use. You can also make up Oxy-Plus in the tank and circulate it around the system to sterilise all the pipework, drippers etc. Once again remember to flush the system thoroughly with fresh water before installing new plants.

For cleanup solution
To each 10 Litres of Tank Volume add;
25 mls Oxy-Plus

Oxy-Plus is highly concentrated. The active ingredient is a volatile and aggressive chemical. Treat Oxy-Plus with great caution and handle with due care. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.



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