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My Webpage

This website is about me and my friends. I will have plenty of pictures on here of people that I love and know! If any of you want me to add some of your pictures you can IM me at flowerchica87 or e-mail them to me at

This is my biography. Well it is somewhat. Most of my friends know me as Cort or Corter. I am 16 years old and live in a small town in TN. I actually like it here but alot of people don't. I enjoy going to school and my favorite class is Spanish. I am out for the summer right now and so far so good. I have a boyfriend whom I love very much named Josh. You will see our pictures on here as well. I am a huge soap opera fan, and I watch all of them religiously. I enjoy alot of things. Well, mostly everything I do I try to take a little pride in it anyways!

Kitchen Gadgets ||| Scrub Brushes ||| Gumball Houses ||| Finger Snappers ||| Ice Cream Magic