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Visual Basic 6 Database How-To

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- 6 -
Connecting to an ODBC Server

The Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard has made accessing disparate database formats much easier than in older versions of Visual Basic. Starting with version 3.0, Visual Basic data access methods and properties include built-in support for ODBC data sources. This means you can use Visual Basic and ODBC together, either through the Jet database engine that comes with Visual Basic or through direct calls to the ODBC Application Programming Interface (API) or by using both together.

When using Visual Basic to completely handle the connection to the ODBC system, just make a few changes to the Visual Basic OpenDatabase method. This is the syntax of the statement:

Set database = workspace.OpenDatabase(dbname[, exclusive[, read-only[, _

The source argument is the main difference when you're using ODBC. In the How-To's throughout this chapter, you'll see how an ODBC connect string is used in the source to specify to which ODBC data source to connect. If you're not sure which data source you want to use, just make the source argument "ODBC" and Visual Basic will team up with ODBC and automatically present a list of the available data sources. Few things in Visual Basic are as straightforward as this.

You can perform many ODBC tasks--including running Structured Query Language (SQL) queries, retrieving results, looping through recordsets, and sending pass-through queries--in Visual Basic without getting any more involved in ODBC than making this change to the OpenDatabase method. Essentially, if Visual Basic has a data access method or property to do what you want, you can almost always use Visual Basic directly without knowing anything about ODBC beyond the existence of the data source you want to use.

ODBC can add a whole new dimension to your application's database access, going far beyond the functionality of Visual Basic's data access function. You can retrieve a wealth of information about a database and manipulate it to your heart's--or client's--content.

Through the How-To's in this chapter, you'll get the details of using straight Visual Basic to access the ODBC API, using the ODBC API directly and bypassing Visual Basic, and combining the two techniques to get the job done.

The guiding philosophy of this chapter is that if there is a way to do it in Visual Basic, that's the way it should be done--unless there is a good reason not to do it that way. The main reason for going straight to the ODBC API is when Visual Basic can't perform the particular task by itself. But there are a few other reasons you'll see along the way.

Using Visual Basic and ODBC Together

If you are going to do any serious work with ODBC, get a copy of Microsoft ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide, published by Microsoft Press. The Software Development Kit (SDK) has all the detailed information you need and a list of all the ODBC functions. This section covers most of the details you'll need in order to use ODBC with Visual Basic.

The ODBC system has four components. Figure 6.1 shows the relationship of these four elements in a Visual Basic ODBC application.

Figure 6.1. An overview of ODBC architecture.

Following are a few other terms you'll encounter when reading about the ODBC system:

ODBC Handles

Before making any direct calls to functions in the ODBC API, you must allocate memory and receive a handle from ODBC for the particular operation. All this means is that ODBC is setting aside a small chunk of memory, through its DLL, to hold information about some aspect of the ODBC system. The handle is essentially a pointer in the Windows environment. As usual, if you are using ODBC through Visual Basic methods only, without direct calls to the ODBC API, you don't need to know or worry about handles at all.

Three handles are necessary for calls to the different ODBC functions:

All ODBC handles must be released before terminating your application. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that the allocated memory will be released at the end of the application, and that is just not good Windows program manners! Eventually, the program will "leak" enough memory to cause performance problems with Windows or even disrupt the operating system entirely.

The handles form a hierarchy. All connection handles in your application are associated with a single environment handle, and all statement handles are associated with one and only one connection handle. In general, all the lower-level handles in the hierarchy must be freed before the next handle in the hierarchy is freed. All the handles can be released and then reused.

ODBC API Conformance Levels

In response to the wide variety of database system capabilities available on every hardware and software platform, ODBC breaks its function list into three levels of conformance. A driver must support, at minimum, the Core-level conformance to be considered an ODBC driver. ODBC also specifies SQL grammar conformance levels, which are not directly related to the API conformance level, as listed here:

It is important to understand that just because a driver calls itself, say, a Level 1 ODBC driver doesn't necessarily mean that it supports all the options of every function at that level. The amount of support is usually tied directly to the capabilities of the underlying database, its limitations, and how aggressively a driver manufacturer is in building capabilities into its driver.

WARNING No independent body certifies drivers as meeting the requirements of an ODBC conformance level. The developer of each driver makes the conformance claim. Buyer beware!

The ODBC API: Visual Basic Declare Statements and ODBC Constants

Because ODBC is implemented in Windows as a DLL, you must include a Declare statement for any ODBC functions you call from a Visual Basic application. By requiring a Declare statement, Visual Basic knows what DLL file to load and the types of parameters each function uses so that it can perform type checking and flag any incorrect types you try to use in a function. The ODBCAPI.BAS file, on the CD-ROM that accompanies this book, contains these ODBC Declare statements and other ODBC constants and user-defined types, ready to be copied to your application.

Debugging ODBC Applications

Even if you don't have access to the ODBC SDK, ODBC provides one valuable tool for debugging applications: the trace log (sometimes called the trace file). This is a log of all calls made by your application and Visual Basic through the ODBC system. The log can be quite educational about how ODBC works, and it lets you see exactly what is being done.

Data Type Conversions Between ODBC and Visual Basic

The correspondence between ODBC and Visual Basic data types is not one-to-one. Fortunately, with Visual Basic's slightly expanded list of data types, the correspondence is a bit closer. Table 6.1 lists the available ODBC data types and the Visual Basic equivalents.

Table 6.1. Data type conversions between ODBC and Visual Basic.

ODBC DATA TYPE Grammar Level Visual Basic Data Type
SQL_BIT Extended Boolean
SQL_TINYINT Extended Byte
SQL_BIGINT Extended No equivalent
SQL_REAL Core Single
SQL_TIME Extended Time
SQL_CHAR Minimum String
SQL_VARCHAR Minimum String
SQL_BINARY Extended Binary
SQL_VARBINARY Extended Binary
SQL_DECIMAL Core Refer to Table 6.3.
SQL_NUMERIC Core Refer to Table 6.3.

As reflected in Table 6.2, special handling is required for the SQL_DECIMAL and SQL_NUMERIC data types. Both data types supply a scale and precision to determine what range of numbers the fields can handle. Using this scale and precision, you can make a good determination of variable scope for Visual Basic. In addition, there are two exceptions to this rule because SQL Server can employ a Currency field. ODBC interprets this with two different scope and precision combinations, as mentioned in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2. Numeric precision conversion between ODBC and Visual Basic.

SCALE Precision Visual Basic Data Type
0 1 to Integer
0 5 to 9 Long
0 10 to 15 Double
0 16+ Text
1 to 3 1 to 15 Double
1 to 15 Double
16+ Text
10 or 19 Currency (SQL Server only)

ODBC data types correspond to the SQL grammar level that a driver and database support, similar to the conformance levels that ODBC's functions support. These are the SQL grammar conformance levels:

A database is not necessarily required to support all the data types at a given level, so an application should check to see what variables are available for a given data source by using the SQLGetTypeInfo function (an ODBC Conformance Level 1 function). See How-To 6.5 for a discussion of retrieving such information about an ODBC database.

ODBC Catalog Functions and Search Pattern Arguments

There are certain ODBC functions, called catalog functions, that return information about a data source's system tables or catalog. Most of the catalog functions are Conformance Level 2, so you probably won't encounter them when using Visual Basic and ODBC. Four of the functions, however, are Level 1: SQLColumns, SQLSpecialColumns, SQLStatistics, and SQLTables.

All the catalog functions allow you to specify a search pattern argument, which can contain the metacharacters underscore (_) and percent (%), as well as a driver-defined escape character. A metacharacter in this context is nothing more than a character that has a meaning other than just the character itself. Following is a detailed explanation of the search pattern characters:

For example, to search for all items with a P, use the search pattern argument %P%. To search for all table names having exactly four characters with a B in the second and last positions, use _B_B. Similarly, if the driver-defined escape character is a backslash, use %\_\% to find all strings of any length with an underscore in the second-to-last position and a percent in the last position of the string.

The driver-defined escape character can be found for any ODBC driver using the SQLGetInfo technique demonstrated in How-To 6.6.

Miscellaneous ODBC Topics

This section covers a few miscellaneous details that will make using ODBC and Visual Basic together a bit easier.


This chapter assumes some things about what you are doing and the tools you are using:

6.1 Use the ODBC Administrator to Maintain Data Sources

Under Windows 95 and Windows NT, ODBC data sources, explained in greater detail in this How-To, have become more complex entities, especially when it comes to issues such as security and network administration. This How-To explains how a simple Control Panel applet turns the administration of these data sources into a simple task.

6.2 Use ODBC with the Visual Basic Data Control

Using Visual Basic's Data control to access ODBC demonstrates the power of both Visual Basic and ODBC. Accessing databases through ODBC without using the ODBC API is a simple matter, whether that data is on your own hard disk in a format Visual Basic doesn't directly support or half a world away on your network. This How-To shows how easy it is to make the connection.

6.3 Create an ODBC-Accessible Data Source by Using RegisterDatabase

Even though ODBC might install the driver you need for your application, a data source name must exist before the database can be used by any application. The RegisterDatabase method provides a way to enter a new data source if one doesn't exist (or even if it does!) so that your application can use the database through ODBC.

6.Prevent the Login Dialog Box from Being Displayed When I Open an ODBC Database

As long as you have the correct and complete connect string to feed to ODBC, you should be able to connect with any database to which you have access. But how do you discover the exact connect string for each database? ODBC pro-vides the functionality and Visual Basic makes it easy to use, as discussed in this How-To.

6.5 Determine What Services an ODBC Server Provides

Even though ODBC makes connecting with databases through a standard interface much easier, and provides some of the services itself, it still relies on database systems to do most of the work. Not all databases are created equal, with equal capabilities. You'll discover how you can find out what services a database provides, all within your applications.

6.6 Use ODBCDirect to Connect to Database Servers

ODBCDirect, like DAO (Data Access Objects) and RDO (Remote Data Objects), is a way to access databases. Unlike DAO and RDO, however, ODBCDirect is just a thin, but well-behaved, wrapper around the ODBC API. This How-To shows the first step in using this new technology by connecting to a data source and providing detailed information on the ODBCDirect Connection object.

6.1 How do I...

Use the ODBC Administrator to maintain data sources?


My Visual Basic program needs access to a Microsoft SQL Server database on another computer. How do I use the ODBC Administrator to connect to that database?


Visual Basic is a very powerful tool when it comes to quick database application development. At times, however, Visual Basic's native database tools are simply not enough, such as whenever a connection to SQL Server or Oracle databases is needed. ODBC makes the gap between Visual Basic and these databases easy to navigate by providing a way to bridge the two resources with an ODBC connection.

ODBC connections usually start with a data source, an alias used by ODBC to refer an ODBC driver to a specified database so that an ODBC connection can happen. Although you can create an ODBC data source with code, it's much easier to use the ODBC Administrator, a tool specifically designed to perform data source-related tasks.

Data sources under Windows 95 and Windows NT are divided into three major types, as explained in Table 6.3. These three types make a difference in your application; the user DSN, for example, won't work with another user logged in to the same machine. The system DSN assumes that all users on the same machine have security access, and the file DSN is used on a case-by-case basis.

Table 6.3. Data source name types.

TYPE Purpose
System DSN This DSN is usable by all users on a workstation, regardless of user security.
User DSN The default, this DSN is usable only by certain users on a workstation (usually the user who created it).
File DSN A "portable" data source, this DSN can be very useful with network-based applications. The DSN can be used by any user who has the correct ODBC driver(s) installed.


The ODBC Administrator is a Control Panel applet, so the first step is to locate the ODBC Administrator icon.

1. Double-click your Control Panel icon. You should see a window appear similar to the one shown in Figure 6.2. In that window, you should find an icon like the one highlighted in the figure.

Figure 6.2. The Control Panel, with ODBC Administrator highlighted.

2. Double-click the ODBC Administrator icon (usually titled "32bit ODBC") to start the Administrator applet. A dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 6.3 should appear, displaying several property pages. The first three property pages deal with DSN entries, with each page representing a level of security. The User DSN property page provides ODBC access for a data source to a given user on a given workstation only; the System DSN allows ODBC access for a data source to a given workstation only, but to any user on that workstation. A File DSN entry is a file-based data source, usable by any and all who have the needed ODBC drivers installed, and it does not need to be local to a user or a workstation

Also, you'll notice three more property pages. The ODBC Drivers property page allows the display of all installed ODBC drivers, including the version and file information. The Tracing property page offers the capability of tracking all ODBC activity for a given data source and saving it to a log file for debugging purposes. And, last of all, the About property page gives version and file information on the core components that compose the ODBC environment.

3. For your needs, you are going to create a User DSN. Click the Add button to start the process of adding a new data source. The first dialog box that appears gives you the list of available ODBC drivers from which to choose. One thing you'll want to note is the helpful information on each dialog box and property page, summarizing its purpose.

Figure 6.3. ODBC Data Source Administrator property pages.

4. Select the Microsoft Access Driver from the list of drivers and then click the Finish button. The next step is to provide the database-related infor-mation for the data source, and to that end a dialog box appears, similar to that displayed in Figure 6.4. The dialog box that appears is driver specific; that is, if you had selected a different ODBC driver, you would probably have gotten a dialog box with a completely different set of properties.

5. Type Biblio in the Data Source Name field. Then click the Select button in the Database frame and choose your copy of BIBLIO.MDB. Then click the OK button.

How It Works

Based on your selections, the ODBC Administrator adds entries to the Registry (or to a file, if you are creating a File DSN.) These Registry entries are vital to the ODBC drivers that require them; in many cases, the entries can determine not only the database that the driver will access but also how and by whom it will be accessed. The only other recommended method for adding ODBC information to the Registry is the RegisterDatabase method, which is covered later in this chapter. Avoid attempting to manually edit ODBC driver Registry entries without first researching the settings to ensure that you fully understand how they work.

Figure 6.4. The ODBC Microsoft Access 97 Setup dialog box.


It is important to emphasize the fact that each ODBC driver's setup dialog box will be different; if you're creating data sources by hand and using only one driver, this isn't a difficult thing to support. If, however, you really want to ensure a wide degree of compatibility for your programs, you might want to use the method detailed in How-To 6.3 to create your data sources. This technique uses the RegisterDatabase method to create data sources, and it can support a wide variety of options (even running "silently," displaying nothing to the user, if all the information needed for the data source is supplied.)

6.2 How do I...

Use ODBC with the Visual Basic Data control?


I'm using the Visual Basic Data control to process and display data in my application. However, the data I need to access is on the network, in a format that Visual Basic doesn't directly support. How can I get the data and display it in a form? Can I use the Data control?


The steps necessary to bind the Visual Basic Data control and other bound controls are simple--not that much different from connecting to one of Visual Basic's native data formats using the Jet database engine. This How-To shows exactly what is necessary to set up the controls to make the connection.


Open the Person.VBP project file. Modify the project to use an existing ODBC data source, or use the database on the CD-ROM included with this book. Having your OBDC source point to that database might make this How-To easier to follow. Run the project. Use the Visual Basic Data control's navigation buttons at the bottom of the form, as shown in Figure 6.5, to move through the database, and then click Quit when you are finished.

Figure 6.5. Chapter 6.2 example.

1. Create a new project, name it Person.VBP, and add a new form with property settings as listed in Table 6.4. Save the form as PERSON.FRM.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Set up the form and connect to data source
    Dim dbfTemp As Database, recTemp As Recordset
    `Connect to the database
    `Change this to your data source
    dtaData.Connect = "ODBC;DSN=Personnel Database"
    `Set the Data control's RecordSource property
    `Change this to your table name
    dtaData.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM Contacts"
    `Connect each of the text boxes with the appropriate fieldname
    txtContact.DataField = "Contact"
    txtName.DataField = "Name"
    txtAddress1.DataField = "Addr1"
    txtAddress2.DataField = "Addr2"
    txtCity.DataField = "City"
    txtState.DataField = "State"
    txtZip.DataField = "Zip"
End Sub

Table 6.4. Objects and properties for PERSON.FRM.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmODBC
Caption Chapter 6.2 Example
StartUpPosition 2 - CenterScreen
CommandButton Name cmdQuit
Caption &Quit
Default True
TextBox Name txtZip
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtState
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtCity
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtAddress2
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtAddress1
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtName
DataSource dtaData
TextBox Name txtContact
DataSource dtaData
Data Name dtaData
Align 2 - Align Bottom
Caption Personnel Database
RecordSource ""
DefaultType 1 - UseODBC
Label Name lblPerson
Caption Zip:
Alignment 1 - Right Justify
Index 5
Label Name lblPerson
Alignment 1 - Right Justify
Caption State:
Index 4
Label Name lblPerson
Alignment 1 - Right Justify
Index 3
Caption City:
Label Name lblPerson
Alignment 1 - Right Justify
Index 2
Caption Address:
Label Name lblPerson
Alignment 1 - Right Justify
Index 1
Caption Company:
Label Name lblPerson
Alignment 1 `Right Justify
Index 0
Caption Contact:

2. Add the following code to the declarations section of the form. To avoid naming problems, Option Explicit tells Visual Basic to make sure that you declare all variables and objects before using them.

Option Explicit

3. Add the following code to the form's Load event procedure. After centering the form, set the Connect and RecordSource properties of the Data control, as well as the DataField properties of the text boxes that will hold the fields of the database. This step links each needed field with the text boxes that hold each record's data.

Change the data source name in the Connect property statement indicated to an available name in ODBC--or leave the DSN part of the Connect string out, and ODBC will prompt you for the information it needs. Also, set the SQL statement to a table in that data source, and change the text boxes to actual fields in that table.

4. Add the following code to the Click event of the cmdQuit command button. This is the exit point that terminates the program.

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub

How It Works

The preceding code is all that is required to use ODBC with Visual Basic's Data control. With the built-in navigation controls, you can move about the database.

Several important details are involved in setting up this procedure for use with ODBC. Note that in this How-To most of the setup and initialization is done in code, but you can easily set the properties of the Data control and bound text boxes when designing the form and then simply load the form. In this case, Visual Basic will make the connection for you and display the data directly, and you won't need any code in the form's Load event. To ensure that this happens smoothly, follow the steps outlined here:

1. Leave the Data control's DatabaseName property blank to use an ODBC data source. If you enter a database name here, Visual Basic attempts to open the database using its native data formats.

2. Set the Connect property of the Data control to the connect string that ODBC needs to connect to the database. This is the same connect string that other How-To's in this chapter use for defining a QueryDef, in RegisterDatabase, and in setting up other uses of ODBC directly. You can also simply set this property to ODBC, and ODBC will prompt the user at runtime for information it needs in order to make the connection.

3. Set the Data control's RecordSource property to a SQL statement or the name of a table you want to use to select the data from the database. Any SQL statement that creates a resultset can be used by Visual Basic to populate the bound text boxes.

4. Set each text box's DataSource to the name of the Data control--dtaData in this example. This is the normal Visual Basic way of binding a control to a Data control. Remember too that you can have as many Data controls on a form as you want, with different sets of controls bound to different bound controls and, therefore, to different databases.

5. Set the Data control's DefaultType to 1 - UseODBC. If this property is not set, trying to access an ODBC database with the Data control will cause Visual Basic to hang.

6. Lastly, set each text box's DataField property to the particular field name in the resultset of data records. This might be the name of the field in the database itself, but it is actually the name of the field that is returned in the resultset. The two can be the same, but the SQL statement can rename the fields or even return calculated fields that don't exist in the database.


The method for ODBC access presented previously is usually the first, and simplest, method employed by programmers when delving into the ODBC library. You will find, however, that for more complex applications, your needs will quickly outstrip the capabilities of the Data control. For a quick application or basic database access, though, this is a great way to start.

6.3 How do I...

Create an ODBC-accessible data source by using RegisterDatabase?


ODBC provides a program, ODBC Administrator, to make manual changes to a data source, but how can I install a new ODBC data source name using code? I can't make the users of the application do it, and I can't expect them to have the information to give to ODBC. Does this mean that I have to make direct calls to the ODBC API?


The RegisterDatabase method of Visual Basic is a quick and easy way to register a new data source with ODBC. The method takes four arguments: dbname, driver, silent, and attributes, which are discussed more fully later in this section. After a data source name is created, it becomes available to any application using ODBC, whether it's a Visual Basic application or not.


Open the REGISTER.VBP file. The ODBC Data Sources form loads, shown in Figure 6.6, getting the list of currently installed drivers and data source names through direct calls to the ODBC system. Enter a name for the new data source, an optional description, and the driver that ODBC will use to connect with the database. Click the New Data Source command button to add it to the ODBC system. If any additional information is necessary to make a connection to the database, another dialog box appears, prompting for any missing items. (Figure 6.4 shows the dialog box for adding a Microsoft Access data source.) The list of data sources then updates to show a current list of installed data sources.

1. Create a new project named REGISTER.VBP. Add the form ODBCErrors.FRM and the code module ODBC API Declarations.BAS, using Visual Basic's File | Add menu command. The code module contains all the declarations needed for the ODBC API functions and the constants used in many of the functions, and the form makes it easier to examine ODBC errors.

Figure 6.6. The project's ODBC Data Sources form, displaying the data source list.

2. Make sure that the Microsoft Common Controls components are available to this project. To add, select the Project | Components menu item. When the dialog box appears, look for a component titled Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0, and ensure that it is checked. Click OK. The ODBCErrors.FRM form uses the TreeView control to display ODBC errors in a hierarchical fashion.

3. Name the new project's default form frmODBC and save the file as REGISTER.FRM. Add the controls shown in Figure 6.6, setting the properties as given in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5. Objects and properties for REGISTER.FRM.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmODBC
Caption ODBC Data Sources
CommandButton Name cmdCreateDSN
Caption &New Data Source
Frame Name fraRegister
Caption New Data Source
TextBox Name txtDSNdesc
TextBox Name txtDSNname
ComboBox Name lstODBCdrivers
Sorted True
Style 2 - Dropdown List
Label Name lblRegister
Alignment 1 `Right Justify
Index 2
Caption Select ODBC Driver:
Label Name lblRegister
Alignment 1 `Right Justify
Index 1
Caption Description:
Label Name lblRegister
Alignment 1 `Right Justify
Index 0
Caption Name:
CommandButton Name cmdQuit
Caption &Quit
ListBox Name lstODBCdbs
Sorted True
TabStop 0 `False
Label Name lblRegister
Index 3
Caption Installed ODBC Data Sources:

4. Put the following code in the declarations section of frmODBC. Option Explicit tells Visual Basic to check the variables for you. The dynamic arrays hold the information about installed drivers and data sources retrieved from calls to the ODBC API.

Option Explicit
`Dynamic arrays to hold data
Dim strDBNames() As String
Dim strDBDescs() As String
Dim strDvrDescs() As String
Dim strDvrAttr() As String

5. Add the following code to the Load event of frmODBC. This code handles all the setup chores, including centering the form on the screen and allocating an ODBC environment handle. Each ODBC application that calls the API needs to have one, and only one, environmental handle. ODBC keeps track of what information goes where through the use of this handle, along with the connection and statement handles. The actual work of extracting the lists of data sources and drivers is handled in other procedures in this form, but called from here.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Allocate the ODBC environment handle
    If SQLAllocEnv(glng_hEnv) = SQL_SUCCESS Then
        `Load the current list of data sources to list box
        `Get the list of installed drivers
        lstODBCdrivers.ListIndex = 0
    End If
End Sub

6. Insert these procedures into frmODBC. The first procedure, cmdCreateDSN_Click, calls the procedure that validates data and actually creates the data source name in ODBC. The second procedure, cmdQuit_Click, creates an exit point in the application.

Private Sub cmdCreateDSN_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub

7. Add the following subroutine to frmODBC. Here is the first of two subroutines that extract the existing lists of data sources and drivers from ODBC. GetODBCdbs obtains the list of data source names and the descriptions of each, employing a function named ODBCDSNList in the ODBC API Declarations.BAS as a wrapper for the SQLDataSources API call. The ODBCDSNList function does all the work; the Do While loop extracts one data source name at a time with a call to SQLDataSources. If no error is returned from the function call, the data source name and its description are concatenated and added to the lstODBCdbs list box, showing all the data sources that are already installed. When the last data source has been returned to this function, the SQLDataSources function returns the SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND result, and the loop terminates. The function returns a variant array, if successful, or nothing, if unsuccessful.

Private Sub GetODBCdbs()
    Dim varTemp As Variant, I As Integer
    `Call the ODBCDSNList function in ODBC API Declarations.BAS.
    varTemp = ODBCDSNList(glng_hEnv, True)
    `If the ODBCDSNList function returns an array, populate
    `the list box.
    If IsArray(varTemp) Then
        For I = LBound(varTemp) To UBound(varTemp)
            lstODBCdbs.AddItem varTemp(I)
    End If
End Sub

8. The next function, GetODBCdvrs, gets a list of the drivers that ODBC has installed. Put the following code in frmODBC. This function operates very similarly to GetODBCdbs, calling a function named ODBCDriverList, which loops through calls to the ODBC SQLDrivers function, returning one driver name at a time, and returning the names and descriptions in a local variant array to be added to the cboODBCdrivers drop-down list.

Private Sub GetODBCdvrs()
    Dim varTemp As Variant, I As Integer
    varTemp = ODBCDriverList(glng_hEnv, True)
    `If the ODBCDriverList function returns an array,
    `populate the list box.  If not, let the user know.
    If IsArray(varTemp) Then
        For I = LBound(varTemp) To UBound(varTemp)
            cboODBCdrivers.AddItem varTemp(I)
        MsgBox "No ODBC drivers installed or available.", _
    End If
End Sub

9. Add the following code to frmODBC. The CreateNewDSN procedure sets up and calls RegisterDatabase so that the new data source name is recorded in the ODBC system. The procedure first checks to make sure that a name is entered in the txtDSNname text box so that a descriptive name will be in the list (the description is optional). If all is well, the procedure assembles the following set of variables to pass to RegisterDatabase:

Before actually making the call to RegisterDatabase, the Visual Basic error handler is set to go to the CantRegister error-handling routine if there is any problem registering the data source. If there is an error, a MsgBox informs the user of what the trouble is and continues the procedure--giving the user the opportunity to rectify any problems and try again. If the error is anything other than error 3146, it is passed on to the default Visual Basic error-handling routines.

Sub CreateNewDSN()
    `Add a new data source name to the ODBC system
    Dim strDSNname As String, strDSNattr As String, strDSNdriver _
        As String
    Dim intResult As Integer, intSaveCursor As Integer
    If txtDSNname = "" Then
        MsgBox "You must enter a name for the new data source."
        intSaveCursor = Screen.MousePointer
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        `Format the arguments to RegisterDatabase
        strDSNname = txtDSNname.text
        strDSNattr = "Description=" & txtDSNdesc.text
        strDSNdriver = _
        On Error GoTo CantRegister
            `Trap any errors so we can respond to them
            DBEngine.RegisterDatabase strDSNname, strDSNdriver, _
            False, strDSNattr
        On Error GoTo 0
        `Now, rebuild the list of data source names
        Screen.MousePointer = intSaveCursor
    End If
    Exit Sub
    If Err.Number = 3146 Then
        `ODBC couldn't find the setup driver specified
        `for this database in ODBCINST.INI.
        MsgBox "Cannot find driver installation DLL.", vbCritical
        Resume Next
        MsgBox Err.Number, vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

10. Add this code in the Unload event of frmODBC. This code makes cleanup calls to ODBC functions, releasing the memory and handles allocated to make the calls to the ODBC API. The first call is to ODBCDisconnectDS, which releases and then frees the connection handle and memory. The second call, SQLFreeEnv, releases the ODBC environment handle and memory.

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Dim intResult As Integer
    `Clean up the ODBC connections that we allocated
    `and opened.
    intResult = ODBCDisconnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, glng_hStmt)
    intResult = SQLCFreeEnv(ghEnv)
End Sub

How It Works

By providing the RegisterDatabase method, Visual Basic takes care of many details involved in establishing a new data source in ODBC. This is the syntax for the method:

DBEngine.RegisterDatabase dbname, driver, silent, attributes

The first argument is dbname. The Visual Basic Help file describes dbname as "a string expression that is the name used in the OpenDatabase method that refers to a block of descriptive information about the data source." All true, of course, but dbname is just a descriptive name that you chose to call the data source. The name could reflect the origins of the data (such as being from an Oracle database) or the nature of the data (such as Corporate Marketing Research Data).

The driver argument is the name of the ODBC driver used to access the database. This is not the same as the name of the DLL file comprising the driver, but is instead a short, descriptive name that the author of the driver gave to it. SQL Server, Btrieve data, and Oracle are names of widely used drivers.

The third argument is silent. No, the argument isn't silent, but it is your opportunity to control whether ODBC prompts the user for more information when ODBC doesn't have enough information to make the requested connection. The options are True for no dialog boxes and False for ODBC to prompt for the missing information. If silent is set to True and ODBC can't make the connection because of a lack of information, your application will need to trap the error that will occur.

The fourth argument is attributes. Each database system you connect to has its own requirements for the information it needs in order to make a connection. For some items there is a default; for others there isn't. The more attributes you specify here, the fewer the user will need to specify. The attributes string is the string returned from the Connect property of the Data control or the Database, QueryDef, or TableDef objects after a connection is made. How-To 6.5 discusses this information in more detail and shows a way to easily obtain the exact information needed to connect with a particular database. In fact, this How-To and How-To 6.5 give you all the information you need to make an ODBC connection.

Essentially, all RegisterDatabase does is add information to the ODBC.INI file usually located in your \WINDOWS directory--with some validation routines thrown in by ODBC. It checks to make sure that you provide all the information needed to make a connection and that the database is out there someplace and is accessible.

One error that might be returned from ODBC when you use the RegisterDatabase method is The configuration DLL ([file name]) for the [driver name] could not be loaded. When you request that a new data source be established, ODBC looks in an ODBCINST.INI file, located in the same place as the ODBC.INI file, for the name of the DLL that contains the setup routines for that driver. Here are some sample lines for different drivers (there is additional information in each section for each driver):

 [Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)]
[Microsoft Dbase Driver (*.dbf)]
[SQL Server Driver]

As you can see, sometimes the setup driver is the same as the driver used for data access, but more commonly the two are different. If that driver is not available at the location specified, ODBC returns an error for the RegisterDatabase call.


One of the nice things about using ODBC is that it goes out of its way to give you the information you need in order to make the connections to databases. In this How-To, you have seen how ODBC prompts with its own dialog box if you don't give it enough information to make the connection. This is one area in which using Visual Basic to handle the conversation with ODBC doesn't hide any details from you. You'll see another example of using this ODBC feature to good advantage in How-To 6.5, in which the dialog box is used to construct connect strings that you can use directly in an application.

Perhaps, to state the obvious, it is necessary for the ODBC driver to be installed before RegisterDatabase is used. If this method only added entries to the .INI file, the driver wouldn't need to be installed before a data source was created using that driver. But because ODBC does some validation from Visual Basic in response to this method, the driver needs to be available along with the information stored in ODBC.INI and ODBCINST.INI by the driver setup program.

In response to the availability of RegisterDatabase in Visual Basic, it is logical to wonder whether there is an equivalent UnRegisterDatabase or DeleteDatabase. Alas, there is not. For that you would need to make a call to an ODBC Installer DLL function, SQLConfigDataSource, available since ODBC version 1.0. Some other interesting installation functions that were introduced with version 2.0 (SQLCreateDataSource, SQLGetAvailableDrivers, SQLGetInstalledDrivers, and SQLManageDataSources) give finer control over the ODBC setup. Driver manufacturers use these and other functions to install drivers and ODBC itself if necessary, but any application can use them. Information about these functions is available in the Microsoft ODBC 3.0 Programmer's Reference and SDK Guide.

Another Visual Basic property that is useful in connection with RegisterDatabase is the Version property. Version is a property of both the Database object and the DBEngine object. When returned from the Database object, Version identifies the data format version of the object, usually as a major and minor version number, such as 4.03. This gives you one more piece of information about the different components making up your applications.

6.How do I...

Prevent the login dialog box from being displayed when I open an ODBC database?


I'm trying to use an ODBC driver to open a data source that is on the network, but the driver documentation is not very helpful regarding the information needed to make a connection. I need my application to make the connection (if it is at all possible) without requiring users to make decisions or respond to dialog boxes. How can I get the right connect string without wasting time by guessing? If the connection can't be made, why not?


As long as you are able to tell Visual Basic that you want to make some sort of connection through ODBC, all you need to do is make a call to Visual Basic's OpenDatabase method with certain default arguments. ODBC responds by prompting for information about what data source you want (from those data sources installed on the system). Then you can define a temporary QueryDef, make the connection, and examine the Visual Basic Connect property. The Connect property at that point contains the fully formed connect string required to make a connection to that data source. The string stored in the Connect property can be copied and used directly in future attempts to connect to the database.


Open and run the CONNECT.VBP Visual Basic project file. The Retrieve ODBC Connect String window opens, as shown in Figure 6.7. Click on the Connect to Data Source command button, and the ODBC SQL Data Sources window appears, prompting you to select an installed data source name. Visual Basic and ODBC obtain from that data source a list of available tables and put them in the Tables Available list box on the main form. Either double-click on one of the tables or select one and click the Get Connect String command button. The application establishes a connection to that database table and returns the complete connect string, placing it in the Connect String text box, as shown in Figure 6.8. Click the Copy Connect String command button to put the string on the Windows clipboard, and then paste it into your application.

Figure 6.7. The project's main form on startup.

Figure 6.8. The project's main form, after ODBC connect string retrieval.

1. Create a new project named CONNECT.VBP. Add the form ODBCErrors.FRM and the code module ODBC API Declarations.BAS, using Visual Basic's File | Add menu command. The code module contains all the declarations needed for the ODBC API functions and the constants used in many of the functions.

2. Name the default form frmODBC, and save the file as CONNECT.FRM. Add the controls as shown in Figure 6.7, setting the properties as listed in Table 6.6.

Table 6.6. Objects and properties for CONNECT.FRM.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmODBC
Caption Chapter 6.4 Example
CommandButton Name cmdCopyConnect
Caption Cop&y Connect String
Enabled 0 - False
CommandButton Name cmdGetConnect
Caption &Get Connect String
Enabled 0 - False
CommandButton Name cmdQuit
Caption &Quit
TextBox Name txtConnect
MultiLine True
ScrollBars 2 - Vertical
TabStop False
CommandButton Name cmdConnect
Caption &Connect to Data Source
ListBox Name lstTables
Sorted True
Label Name lblConnect
Index 0
Caption Connect String:
Label Name lblConnect
Index 1
Caption &Tables Available:

3. Add the following code to the declarations section of frmODBC. To avoid naming problems, Option Explicit tells Visual Basic to make sure that you declare all variables and objects before using them.

Option Explicit
`Module level globals to hold connection info
Dim dbfTemp As Database, recTemp As Recordset

4. Add this code to the form's Load event. After the form is loaded, memory and a handle for the ODBC environment and connection are allocated. If either of these fails, there is no need to proceed, so the program is exited.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Log on to an ODBC data source
    `First, allocate ODBC memory and get handles
    Dim intResult As Integer
    `Allocate the ODBC environment handle
    If SQLAllocEnv(glng_hEnv) <> SQL_SUCCESS Then End
    intResult = SQLAllocConnect(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc)
    If intResult <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
        intResult = frmODBCErrors.ODBCError("Dbc", glng_hEnv, & _
        glng_hDbc, 0, intResult, "Error allocating connection _
    End If
End Sub

5. Add the following code to the Click event of cmdConnect. Before you can get connection data, you need to select a data source name for the connection information you want. For this procedure, let the built-in ODBC dialog boxes do the work. The line

Set dbfTemp = OpenDatabase("", False, False, "ODBC;")

tells Visual Basic to open a database but gives no information about which one, other than it is an ODBC database. ODBC responds by opening its Select Data Source dialog box for selection of a data source, as shown in Figure 6.9.

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
    `Connect to a data source and populate lstTables
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim strConnect As String
    Dim tbfTemp As TableDef
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        Set dbfTemp = OpenDatabase("", False, False, "ODBC;")
    On Error GoTo 0
    For Each tbfTemp In dbfTemp.TableDefs
        lstTables.AddItem tbfTemp.Name
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    If lstTables.ListCount Then
        cmdGetConnect.Enabled = True
        MsgBox "No tables are available. " & _
            "Please connect to another data source."
    End If
Exit Sub
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
    Select Case Err.Number
        Case 3423
            `This data source can't be attached, (or the
            `user clicked Cancel, so use ODBC API
        Case 3059
            `The user clicked on Cancel
            Exit Sub
        Case Else
            `The error is something else, so send it back to
            `the VB exception handler
            MsgBox Err.Number, vbExclamation
    End Select
End Sub

Figure 6.9. The Select Data Source selection dialog box.

After the user selects a data source name, the procedure loops through the TableDefs collection using a Visual Basic For Each...Next loop, retrieves the table name of each table available in that data source, and adds each table name to the lstTables list box. If a connection is made and any tables are available, the cmdGetConnect command button is Enabled for the next step, which is retrieving the connection information. The error-handling routine is important in this procedure and is discussed with the APIConnect procedure code.

6. Add the following code to the cmdGetConnect's Click event. This command button is enabled only when a connection is made and tables are available for selection. After you select a table name, a connection is made to that table by creating a dynaset. This makes the connection information available. The connection information is retrieved by copying the value of the dynaset's Connect property to the txtConnect text box, running it through the AddSpaces function as discussed in the following text. Finally, the cmdCopyConnect command button is enabled.

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
    txtConnect.text = ""
    If Len(lstTables.text) Then
        Set recTemp = dbfTemp.OpenRecordset(lstTables.text)
        txtConnect.text = AddSpaces(dbfTemp.Connect)
        MsgBox "Please select a table first."
    End If
    cmdCopyConnect.Enabled = True
    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

7. Add the following code to frmODBC. When you receive the raw connect string back from ODBC after making the connection to the database table, it is strung together with no spaces, unless a space happens to be in any of the strings enclosed in quotation marks. Sometimes the connect string can become lengthy, so use a text box with the MultiLine property set to True. Even with that, an unbroken string with no spaces can exceed any width you make the text box. So this function simply loops through the length of the string, replacing all the semicolon separators with a semicolon-space pair of characters. ODBC uses semicolons to separate the different phrases in a connect string.

Function AddSpaces (strC As String)
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim strNewStr As String, strNextChar As String
    Dim strNextChar As String
    For I = 1 To Len(strC)
        strNextChar = Mid$(strC, I, 1)
        If strNextChar = ";" Then
            strNewStr = strNewStr & strNextChar & " "
            strNewStr = strNewStr & strNextChar
        End If
    AddSpaces = strNewStr
End Function

8. Add the code for cmdCopyConnect's Click event as shown here. This is added as a convenience for the programmer. When you have connected to the data source and have received the connect string, just click the Copy Connect String command button, and the full string is copied to the Windows Clipboard, ready to paste into your application.

Private Sub cmdCopyConnect_Click()
    `Select the text in txtConnect
    With txtConnect
        .SetFocus: .SelStart = 0: .SelLength = _
    End With
    ` Copy selected text to Clipboard.
    Clipboard.SetText Screen.ActiveControl.SelText
End Sub

9. Add the following code to the form's Unload event and the cmdQuit command button's event. The cmdQuit command button ends the program, triggering the form's Unload event. As usual for Visual Basic applications that make direct calls to the ODBC API, the code needs to clean up after itself, releasing the memory and handles needed for connection to ODBC.

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Dim intResult As Integer
    intResult = ODBCDisconnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, glng_hStmt)
    intResult = ODBCFreeEnv(glng_hEnv)
End Sub

10. Add the following code to the DblClick event procedure of the lstTables list box. This code simply adds the convenience of being able to double-click on a table in lstTables to retrieve the connect string, saving the work of also clicking the cmdGetConnect command button.

Private Sub lstTables_DblClick()
End Sub

11. Add the following code to the code section of the form. Sometimes it is necessary to handle errors generated by Visual Basic but caused by the ODBC system. This is one example of such a situation.

There are two sorts of Visual Basic errors that need to be handled in the cmdConnect_Click procedure. The first sort of error is when, for any of a number of reasons, there is a problem making the connection to the data source (for example, the database is not available, the connection couldn't be made because of network traffic, and so on). One common error is the attempt to open an ODBC database that is one of the databases Visual Basic handles natively, such as an Access .MDB file or one of the ISAM databases.

This is where the APIConnect procedure comes in. Even though the error is generated by the Visual Basic error handler, there is some reason lurking in ODBC for why the connection can't be made, and a call to the ODBC SQLError function will usually (but not always) give more information about the problem. SQLError doesn't always have information to give, for whatever internal reason. Basically, APIConnect just calls SQLError from within the error procedure, gets whatever additional information it can obtain, disconnects the ODBC connection (but not the handle--you might need that again for another attempt to make a connection), and returns to frmODBC.

Sub APIConnect()
    `Can't connect through VB, so go direct
    Dim intResult As Integer
    Dim strConnectIn As String
    Dim strConnectOut As String * SQL_MAX_OPTION_STRING_LENGTH
    Dim intOutCount As Integer
    strConnectIn = ""
    intResult = SQLDriverConnect(glng_hDbc, Me.hWnd, _
        Len(strConnectIn), strConnectOut, Len(strConnectOut), _
        intOutCount, SQL_DRIVER_PROMPT)
    If intResult <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
        intResult = frmODBCErrors.ODBCError("Dbc", glng_hEnv, _
                  glng_hDbc, 0, _
            intResult, "Problem with call to SQLDriverConnect.")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    txtConnect.text = AddSpaces(strConnectOut)
    `Free the connection, but not the handle
    intResult = SQLDisconnect(glng_hDbc)
    If intResult <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
        intResult = frmODBCErrors.ODBCError("Dbc", glng_hEnv, _
           glng_hDbc, 0, _
           intResult, "Problem with call to SQLDriverConnect.")
    End If
    cmdCopyConnect.Enabled = True
End Sub

The other error that must be handled is one that occurs when the user clicks Cancel when ODBC's Select Data Source dialog box is shown. If this happens, the Sub procedure is exited and the user is returned to the main form.

How It Works

Three functions are available in the ODBC API for making a connection to a data source: SQLConnect, SQLBrowseConnect, and SQLDriverConnect. Table 6.7 explains these functions in more detail.

Table 6.7. ODBC functions for establishing data source connections.

FUNCTION Version Conformance Primary Arguments
SQLConnect 1.0 Core hDbc, data source name, user ID, authorization string
SQLDriverConnect 1.0 1 hDbc, Windows handle (hwnd), connect string in, connect string out, completion option
SQLBrowseConnect 1.0 2 hDbc, connect string in, connect string out


SQLConnect is the standard way of connecting to an ODBC data source. All the arguments must be complete and correct because if anything is wrong, ODBC generates an error. If everything is right, a connection is established. Valid
return codes are SQL_SUCCESS, SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO, SQL_ERROR, and SQL_INVALID_HANDLE. Because this function is in the Core conformance level, all ODBC drivers are guaranteed to support it (or as guaranteed as possible with drivers written by third-party developers attempting to adhere to a standard), so it is always available. The only flexibility that SQLConnect provides is when the specified data source name can't be found. In that case, the function looks for a default driver and loads that one if it is defined in ODBC.INI. If not, SQL_ERROR is returned, and you can obtain more information about the problem with a call to SQLError. This is the workhorse function of ODBC connections.


SQLDriverConnect offers a bit more flexibility for making ODBC connections. This function can handle data sources that require more information than the three arguments of SQLConnect (other than the connection handle hDbc, which all three functions require). SQLDriverConnect provides dialog boxes to prompt for any missing information needed for the connection, and it can handle connections not defined in the ODBC.INI file or registry. SQLDriverConnect provides three connection options:

When a connection is successfully made, the function returns SQL_SUCCESS and returns a completed connection string that can be used to make future connections to that database. It is a pretty safe bet that SQLDriverConnect is the function that Visual Basic uses when this How-To is employed to discover the connect string.



The third function, SQLBrowseConnect, is perhaps the most interesting of the three functions. A call to this function initiates an interactive method of discovering what it takes to connect to a particular database. Each time SQLBrowseConnect is called, the function returns additional attributes that are needed to make a connection. An application making the call can parse out the resulting string containing missing attributes (which are marked as required or optional) and return successively more complete connect strings. Attributes that involve selection from a fixed list of items are returned as that full list so that an application can present a list box of choices to the user.

The bad news, for Visual Basic anyway, is that SQLBrowseConnect is a Conformance Level 2 function. Because Visual Basic is designed to require only Level 1 drivers, it doesn't have any functions that can directly use this function. But it is available to any application, including those written in Visual Basic, through direct calls to the ODBC API, if the driver supports Level 2 conformance.


As mentioned in the introduction to the chapter, you can't make an ODBC connection through an attached table to a database that Visual Basic natively supports, such as a Microsoft Access .MDB file or the ISAM databases Btrieve and dBASE. There normally isn't any reason to do so, although you can always do it by using the ODBC API directly.

6.5 How do I...

Determine what services an ODBC server provides?


I'd like to be able to connect with the different data sources scattered throughout our network. But all the various drivers have different capabilities, even though they are all accessible through ODBC. How can I find out through code which services are available for each server and keep the code as flexible and portable as possible?


This example develops a useful ODBC viewer that gathers in one place much of the information needed to evaluate the data sources and drivers available to a particular workstation. You can use the same techniques whether the data is located on a single computer with one hard disk or connected to a network with data of widely varying formats on different hardware.


Open and run the Visual Basic SERVICES.VBP project. Select an ODBC data source name from the Installed ODBC Data Sources list, and then click the Get Functions command button. After a moment, a list of the functions that can be used with the data source appears in the bottom half of the form, similar to the form shown later in Figure 6.11. Scroll through the list to see the functions available. Then, with the same data source highlighted, click the Get Properties command button. The Get Info window appears, as shown in Figure 6.10. Make the selections you want (from one to all the items in the list), and click the Get Info command button. The list of properties and their current values appears in the Biblio Properties window, as shown in Figure 6.11.

Figure 6.10. The project's Get Info form, showing the selected properties.

Figure 6.11. The project's Details form, showing the available functions.

1. Create a new project called SERVICES.VBP. Add the form ODBCErrors.FRM and the code module ODBC API Declarations.BAS using Visual Basic's File | Add menu command. The code module contains all the declarations necessary for the ODBC API functions and the constants used in many of the functions, and the form allows for an easy-to-read display of ODBC errors.

2. Add a new form, frmODBC, and save the file as SERVICES.FRM. Add the controls shown in Figure 6.11, setting the properties as given in Table 6.8. The area under the Properties label is the MSFlexGrid control, grdResults.

Table 6.8. Objects and properties for SERVICES.FRM.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmODBC
Caption Chapter 6.5 Example - Details
CommandButton Name cmdProperties
Caption Get Properties
CommandButton Name cmdFunctions
Caption Get Functions
CommandButton Name cmdQuit
Caption Quit
ListBox Name lstODBCdbs
Sorted True
Label Name lblGrid
Caption Properties
BorderStyle 1 - Fixed Single
Grid Name grdResults
Visible False
Scrollbars 2 - flexScrollBarVertical
Highlight 0 - flexHighlightNever
Label Name lblServices
Caption Installed ODBC Data Sources:

3. Put the following code in the declarations section of the form. This code declares the dynamic array that will be used to hold the names of the data sources and drivers available to ODBC. To avoid naming problems, Option Explicit tells Visual Basic to make sure you declare all variables and objects before using them.

Option Explicit
`Dynamic arrays to hold data
Dim strDBNames() As String

4. Add the following code to the form's Load event. First, the form is centered onscreen so that all the controls and information can be seen. Then, as with all applications that make direct calls to the ODBC API, the ODBC wrapper functions are called to allocate memory and assign a handle for the ODBC environment and for the database connection. This is followed by a call to the GetODBCdbs Sub procedure, which the following text explains.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Log on to an ODBC data source
    `First, allocate ODBC memory and get handles
    Dim intResult As Integer
    `Allocate the ODBC environment handle
    If ODBCAllocateEnv(glng_hEnv) = SQL_SUCCESS Then
        `Load the current list of data sources to list box
        `Show the form
    End If
End Sub

5. Add the following routine to frmODBC. This procedure extracts the existing lists of data sources and drivers from ODBC. GetODBCdbs obtains the list of data source names and the descriptions of each. The Do While loop extracts one data source name at a time with a call to SQLDataSources. If no error is returned from the function call, the data source name is added to the lstODBCdbs list box, showing all the data sources that are already installed. When the last data source has been returned to this function, the SQLDataSources function returns the SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND result, and the loop terminates.

Private Sub GetODBCdbs()
    Dim varTemp As Variant, I As Integer
    varTemp = ODBCDSNList(glng_hEnv, False)
    If IsArray(varTemp) Then
        For I = LBound(varTemp) To UBound(varTemp)
            lstODBCdbs.AddItem varTemp(I)
        MsgBox "No ODBC data sources to load!", vbCritical
    End If
End Sub

6. Add the following routine to frmODBC. This procedure first determines whether a data source name has been selected in the lstODBCdbs list box. If none has been selected, a message box lets the user know that and then exits the procedure.

Assuming that a data source is selected, a call is made to ODBCConnectDS to allocate connection memory and a handle, which is required for a later call to SQLGetFunctions. If a connection is made successfully, the call to SQLGetFunctions is made, which does the actual work of retrieving the function list. The list is put into the FuncList array, which has 100 elements. An element of this array is set to true (-1) or false (0) if the referenced ODBC function is available with this data source. See the "How It Works" section for a discussion about how this array is used to identify available functions.

To set the number of rows in the grdResults grid, the number of array elements that are True must be counted. The first For...Next loop handles that, so that j is the number of true elements at the end of the loop. Then, after setting up the grid with the numbers of rows and columns to fit the data, the intFuncList array is looped through once again, to put the function names into each row of the grid.

Private Sub cmdFunctions_Click()
    Dim strDataSource As String
    Dim strUserName As String, strPassword As String
    Dim intResult As Integer, intErrResult As Integer
    ReDim intFuncList(100) As Integer
    Dim I As Integer, j As Integer
    `First, check to see if anything is selected
    `If not, notify user, then return to form.
    If lstODBCdbs.ListIndex >= 0 Then
        Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
        strDataSource = lstODBCdbs.List(lstODBCdbs.ListIndex)
        If SQLAllocStmt(glng_hDbc, glng_hStmt) Then _
            intResult = ODBCConnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, _
                glng_hStmt, strDataSource, strUserName, _
        If intResult = SQL_SUCCESS Then _
            intResult = SQLGetFunctions(glng_hDbc, _
                SQL_API_ALL_FUNCTIONS, intFuncList(0))
        If intResult <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
            intErrResult = frmODBCErrors.ODBCError("Dbc", _
                glng_hDbc, 0, intResult, _
                "Error getting list of ODBC functions")
            `Run through the array and get the number of functions
            j = 0
            For I = 0 To 99
                If intFuncList(I) Then j = j + 1
            `Start by clearing the frmODBC grid
            With frmODBC.grdResults
                .Rows = j
                .Cols = 3
                .FixedCols = 1
                .FixedRows = 0
                .ColWidth(0) = 8
                .ColWidth(1) = 0.65 * frmODBC.grdResults.Width
                .ColWidth(2) = 0.35 * frmODBC.grdResults.Width
            End With
            lblGrid.Caption = lstODBCdbs.text & ": " & _
                              Trim(Val(j)) & _
                " Functions"
            `Populate the grid with the function names
            j = 0
            For I = 0 To 99
                If intFuncList(I) <> 0 Then
                    With frmODBC.grdResults
                        .Row = j
                        .Col = 0: .text = j
                        .Col = 1: .text = ODBCFuncs(0, I)
                        .Col = 2: .text = ODBCFuncs(1, I)
                    End With
                    j = j + 1
                End If
            `Move to the top row
            frmODBC.grdResults.Row = 0
            frmODBC.grdResults.Col = 1
            `free the data source connection
            intResult = ODBCDisconnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, _
            Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault
            frmODBC.grdResults.Visible = True
        End If
        MsgBox "Please select a data source name first.", _
            vbCritical, "ODBC Functions"
    End If
End Sub

7. Put the following code in the cmdProperties_Click event subroutine. After the program checks to make sure that a data source is selected, it attempts to allocate a connection handle; then it loads the frmGetInfo form to continue obtaining information.

Private Sub cmdProperties_Click()
    Dim intResult As Integer
    If lstODBCdbs.ListIndex < 0 Then
        MsgBox "Please select a data source name first.", _
            vbCritical, "ODBC Properties"
        intResult = ODBCConnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, _
            glng_hStmt, lstODBCdbs.text, "", "")
        If intResult = SQL_SUCCESS Then Load frmGetInfo
    End If
End Sub

8. Enter the following two procedures to the code section of the form. The first procedure establishes a command button to quit the application. The Unload event then cleans up and releases the memory and handles that were necessary for making calls to the ODBC API.

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Dim intResult As Integer
    intResult = ODBCDisconnectDS(glng_hEnv, glng_hDbc, glng_hStmt)
    intResult = ODBCFreeEnv(glng_hEnv)
End Sub

9. Add the following code to the code section of the form. This function provides a convenient way to convert some of the results of the properties to a more user-friendly and understandable form.

Private Function convCh(inChar As String, num As Variant)
    inChar = LTrim$(Left$(inChar, num))
    Select Case inChar
        Case "Y"
            convCh = "Yes"
        Case "N"
            convCh = "No"
        Case Else
            convCh = inChar
    End Select
End Function

10. Add a new form, frmGetInfo, and save the file as GETINFO.FRM. Add the controls shown in Figure 6.10, setting the properties as shown in Table 6.9.

Table 6.9. Objects and properties for GETINFO.FRM.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmGetInfo
Caption Chapter 6.5 Example - Get Info
TextBox Name txtStatus
Text Select the options you want to include.
CommandButton Name cmdCancel
Cancel True
Caption Cancel
CommandButton Name cmdGetInfo
Caption Get Info
CommandButton Name cmdSelection
Caption Unselect All
CommandButton Name cmdSelection
Caption Select All
ListBox Name lstGetInfoData
MultiSelect Extended
Sorted True
Label Name lblGetInfo

11. Add the following line of code to the declarations section of the GETINFO.FRM form. Option Explicit tells Visual Basic to make sure that you declare all variables and objects before using them, to avoid naming problems.

Option Explicit

12. Add the following code to the form's Load event. The main job of this procedure is to load the lstGetInfoData list box with all the available ODBC functions. All the function names are loaded into the ODBCGetInfo array in the LoadGetInfo Sub procedure in ODBC API Declarations.BAS. That array is an array of GetInfo types, defined in ODBC API as this:

Type GetInfo
    InfoType As String
    ReturnType As String
End Type

The array has SQL_INFO_LAST number of elements, as defined in ODBC API Declarations.BAS in the declarations section:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Load the list box with the ODBCGetInfo array
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 0 To SQL_INFO_LAST
        If ODBCGetInfo(I).InfoType <> "" Then
            lstGetInfoData.AddItem ODBCGetInfo(I).InfoType
        End If
End Sub

13. Add the following code to the cmdGetInfo's Click event procedure. Although this procedure looks foreboding, it is really doing only two main jobs: getting a count and a list of the SQLGetInfo options that have been selected in the list box and then looping through to get their current settings, populating the grid control on the frmODBC form with the results. For more information on this procedure, review the "How It Works" section later in this How-To.

Private Sub cmdGetInfo_Click()
    Dim intSelCount As Integer     `count of selected items
    Dim I As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim ri As Integer
    Dim rs As String * 255
    Dim rb As Long, rl As Long
    Dim lngInfoValue As Long
    Dim lngInfoValueMax As Integer, intInfoValue As Integer, _
        intResult As Integer
    Dim intConnIndex As Integer
    Dim strTemp As String, strID As String, strErrMsg As String
    Dim strRowData() As String
    lngInfoValueMax = 255
    `Get the number of rows selected and the type of data
    intSelCount = 0
    For I = 0 To lstGetInfoData.ListCount - 1
        If lstGetInfoData.Selected(I) Then
            ReDim Preserve strRowData(intSelCount + 1)
            strRowData(intSelCount) = lstGetInfoData.List(I)
            intSelCount = intSelCount + 1
        End If
    If intSelCount = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No attributes were selected. Please select " & _
            "at least one and try again.", vbExclamation
        Exit Sub
    End If
    `Start by clearing the frmODBC grid
    With frmODBC.grdResults
        .Rows = intSelCount + 1: .Cols = 3
        .FixedCols = 1: .FixedRows = 1
        .ColWidth(0) = 8
        .ColWidth(1) = 0.45 * frmODBC.grdResults.Width
        .ColWidth(2) = 0.55 * frmODBC.grdResults.Width
        .Row = 0
        .Col = 1: .text = "Attribute Constant"
        .Col = 2: .text = "Value"
    End With
    frmODBC.lblGrid.Caption = frmODBC.lstODBCdbs.text & " " & _
    For I = 0 To intSelCount - 1
        With frmODBC.grdResults
            .Row = I + 1
            .Col = 0: .text = I + 1
            .Col = 1: .text = strRowData(I)
            .Col = 2
        End With

        `Get the index of ODBConn - have to do it this way
        `because there are gaps in the ODBC constants
        For j = LBound(ODBCGetInfo) To UBound(ODBCGetInfo)
            If strRowData(I) = ODBCGetInfo(j).InfoType Then Exit _
        `Format the data according the return type of
        Select Case Left$(ODBCGetInfo(j).ReturnType, 1)
            Case "S"    `String
                intResult = SQLGetInfo(glng_hDbc, j, ByVal rs, _
                    Len(rs), intInfoValue)
                If Len(Trim$(ODBCGetInfo(j).ReturnType)) > 1 Then
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = _
                       SpecialStr(strRowData(I), _
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = Trim$(rs)
                End If
            Case "B"    `32-bit Bitmask
                intResult = SQLGetInfo(glng_hDbc, j, rb, 255, _
                frmODBC.grdResults.text = BitMask(rb)
            Case "I"    `Integer
                intResult = SQLGetInfo(glng_hDbc, j, ri, 255, _
                If Len(Trim$(ODBCGetInfo(j).ReturnType)) > 1 Then
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = _
                       SpecialInt(strRowData(I), _
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = ri
                End If
            Case "L"    `Long
                intResult = SQLGetInfo(glng_hDbc, j, rl, 255, _
                If Len(Trim$(ODBCGetInfo(j).ReturnType)) > 1 Then
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = _
                       SpecialLong(strRowData(I), _
                    frmODBC.grdResults.text = rl
                End If
            Case Else
                `Error in array
                frmODBC.grdResults.text = "Error processing _
                   return value."
        End Select
        If intResult <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
            frmODBC.grdResults.text = "Error getting data."
        End If
    frmODBC.grdResults.Visible = True
    Unload Me
End Sub

14. Add the code for SpecialStr to the code section of the module. This is the first of the "special" processing functions that make the results of the call to SQLGetInfo more meaningful. Most of the Select Case options simply convert a "Y" or "N" to "Yes" or "No." Another processing function, SQL_KEYWORDS, returns a long list of keywords you can use. To keep things from getting too complex, this How-To just indicates that a list is available; you could easily put the list into a TextBox or List control to allow closer examination, or it could be used by the application.

The return value of the SpecialStr function is the string that is actually displayed in the grid.

Private Function SpecialStr(Opt As String, RetStr As String)
    `Do any special processing required for a SQLGetInfo string
    Select Case Opt
        Case "SQL_ODBC_SQL_OPT_IEF"
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case "SQL_COLUMN_ALIAS"
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case "SQL_KEYWORDS"
            SpecialStr = "List of keywords."        `&&&
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case "SQL_OUTER_JOINS"
            Select Case RetStr
                Case "N"
                    SpecialStr = "No outer joins."
                Case "Y"
                    SpecialStr = "Yes, left-right segregation."
                Case "P"
                    SpecialStr = "Partial outer joins."

Case "F"

                    SpecialStr = "Full outer joins."
                Case Else
                    SpecialStr = "Missing data."
            End Select
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case "SQL_PROCEDURES"
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case "SQL_ROW_UPDATES"
            SpecialStr = IIf(RetStr = "Y", "Yes", "No")
        Case Else
            SpecialStr = "Missing special processing."
    End Select
End Function

15. Add the code for the SpecialInt function to the code section of the form. This function handles special integer return values from SQLGetInfo. In all of these special cases, the return value is an index to a keyword defined in ODBCAPI.BAS. Simply use a Select Case nested within the overall Select Case structure to translate the value into a more meaningful string.

Private Function SpecialInt(Opt As String, RetInt As Integer)
    `Do any special processing required for a SQLGetInfo integer
    Select Case Opt
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_CN_NONE
                    SpecialInt = "Not supported."
                Case SQL_CN_DIFFERENT
                    SpecialInt = "Supported but names vary."
                Case SQL_CN_ANY
                    SpecialInt = "Any valid user name."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_NNC_NULL
                    SpecialInt = "All columns nullable."
                Case SQL_NNC_NON_NULL
                    SpecialInt = "May be non-nullable."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
        Case "SQL_FILE_USAGE"
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_FILE_NOT_SUPPORTED
                    SpecialInt = "Not a single tier driver."
                Case SQL_FILE_TABLE
                    SpecialInt = "Treats data source as table."
                Case SQL_FILE_QUALIFIER
                    SpecialInt = "Treats data source as" _
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_NC_END
                    SpecialInt = "NULLs sorted to end."
                Case SQL_NC_HIGH
                    SpecialInt = "NULLs sorted to high end."
                Case SQL_NC_LOW
                    SpecialInt = "NULLs sorted to low end."
                Case SQL_NC_START
                    SpecialInt = "NULLs sorted to start."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
        Case "SQL_GROUP_BY"
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_GB_NOT_SUPPORTED
                    SpecialInt = "Group By not supported."
                Case SQL_GB_GROUP_BY_EQUALS_SELECT
                    SpecialInt = _
                       "All non-aggregated columns, no others."
                    SpecialInt = _
                       "All non-aggregated columns, some others."
                Case SQL_GB_NO_RELATION
                    SpecialInt = "Not related to select list." 
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_IC_UPPER
                    SpecialInt = "Upper case."
                Case SQL_IC_LOWER
                    SpecialInt = "Lower case."
                Case SQL_IC_SENSITIVE
                    SpecialInt = "Case sensitive."
                Case SQL_IC_MIXED
                    SpecialInt = "Mixed case."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_IC_UPPER
                    SpecialInt = "Upper case."
                Case SQL_IC_LOWER
                    SpecialInt = "Lower case."
                Case SQL_IC_SENSITIVE
                    SpecialInt = "Case sensitive."
                Case SQL_IC_MIXED
                    SpecialInt = "Mixed case."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_OAC_NONE
                    SpecialInt = "No conformance."
                Case SQL_OAC_LEVEL1
                    SpecialInt = "Level 1 supported."
                Case SQL_OAC_LEVEL2
                    SpecialInt = "Level 2 supported."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_CB_DELETE
                    SpecialInt = "Close and delete statements."
                Case SQL_CB_CLOSE
                    SpecialInt = "Close cursors."
                Case SQL_CB_PRESERVE
                    SpecialInt = "Preserve cursors."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_CB_DELETE
                    SpecialInt = "Close and delete statements."
                Case SQL_CB_CLOSE
                    SpecialInt = "Close cursors."
                Case SQL_CB_PRESERVE
                    SpecialInt = "Preserve cursors."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
        Case "SQL_TXN_CAPABLE"
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_TC_NONE
                    SpecialInt = "Transactions not supported."
                Case SQL_TC_DML
                    SpecialInt = _
                        "DML statements only, DDL cause error."
                Case SQL_TC_DDL_COMMIT
                    SpecialInt = _
                        "DML statements, DDL commit transaction."
                Case SQL_TC_DDL_IGNORE
                    SpecialInt = "DML statements, DDL ignored."
                Case SQL_TC_ALL
                    SpecialInt = "Both DML and DDL statements."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_QL_START
                    SpecialInt = "Start of name."
                Case SQL_QL_END
                    SpecialInt = "End of name."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_CB_NULL
                    SpecialInt = "Result is NULL valued." 
                Case SQL_CB_NON_NULL
                    SpecialInt = _
                        "Result is non-NULL concatenation."
                Case Else
                    SpecialInt = "Missing data."
            End Select
        Case Else
            SpecialInt = "Missing special integer processing."
    End Select
End Function

16. Add the code for the BitMask function to the code section of the form. One form of return value from the SQLGetInfo function is a 32-bit bitmask. A bitmask is a way of packing lots of information into a relatively compact variable because each of the 32 bits can be "on" or "off" (1 or 0) to indicate the value of some option. This function simply converts the bitmask into a string of 32 1s and 0s to show their content. You could expand this function (in a way similar to the nested Select Case SpecialInt function) to test for the various values of the different options, and you could present a list or otherwise use the information in your application.

In practical use in an application, you would be interested in checking for one or two characteristics contained in the bitmask and would check for that condition instead of just listing the contents of the bitmask.

Private Function BitMask(RetBit As Long)
    `Do processing required for a SQLGetInfo bit mask return
      Dim i As Long, bin As String
      Const maxpower = 30   ` Maximum number of binary digits 
                            ` supported.
      bin = ""  `Build the desired binary number in this string, 
      If RetBit > 2 ^ maxpower Then
         BitMask = "Error converting data."
         Exit Function
      End If
      ` Negative numbers have "1" in the 32nd left-most digit:
      If RetBit < 0 Then bin = bin + "1" Else bin = bin + "0"
      For i = maxpower To 0 Step -1
         If RetBit And (2 ^ i) Then   ` Use the logical "AND" 
                                      ` operator.
            bin = bin + "1"
            bin = bin + "0"
         End If
      BitMask = bin ` The bin string contains the binary number.
End Function

17. Add the code for SpecialLong to the code section of the form. This is the last of the Special functions, and it is used with return type Long. The single case that must be handled here is for the SQL_DEFAULT_TXN_ISOLATION attribute, and it is handled similarly to the SpecialInt function. The same nested Select Case structure has been used to allow easy expansion of this function for future versions of ODBC and handle the error condition if an unexpected Long is sent to the function.

Private Function SpecialLong(Opt As String, RetInt As Integer)
    `Do any special processing required for a SQLGetInfo long
    Select Case Opt
            Select Case RetInt
                Case SQL_TXN_READ_UNCOMMITTED
                    SpecialLong = _
                        "Dirty reads, nonrepeatable, phantoms."
                Case SQL_TXN_READ_COMMITTED
                    SpecialLong = _
                        "No dirty reads, but nonrepeatable " & _
                        "and phantoms."
                Case SQL_TXN_REPEATABLE_READ
                    SpecialLong = _
                        "No dirty or nonrepeatable reads." & 
                        "Phantoms okay."
                Case SQL_TXN_SERIALIZABLE
                    SpecialLong = "Serializable transactions."
                Case SQL_TXN_VERSIONING
                    SpecialLong = _
                        "Serializable transactions  with higher " &
                Case Else
                    SpecialLong = "Missing data."
            End Select
        Case Else
            SpecialLong = "Missing special Long processing."
    End Select
End Function

18. Add the code for the cmdSelection control array Click event. The Select All and Unselect All command buttons are provided for convenience in selecting items in the list. This procedure simply loops through the lstGetInfoData list box, selecting all items if the Index is 1 (Select All was clicked) and deselecting all items if the Index is 0 (Unselect All was clicked).

Private Sub cmdSelection_Click(Index As Integer)
    `Select all of the items in the list
    Dim I As Integer
    For I = 0 To lstGetInfoData.ListCount - 1
        lstGetInfoData.Selected(I) = (Index > -1)
End Sub

Add the code for the cmdCancel Click event. Even though SQLGetInfo uses an hDbc handle, the memory was allocated in the frmODBC form, so no special cleanup is necessary in this form. Therefore, no form Unload procedure is required.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

How It Works

The SQLGetInfo function is a versatile way to get lots of information about an ODBC data source. In a typical application, you would check for a small number of properties, or if a particular function is implemented, instead of retrieving bulk results as in this How-To, you would use the techniques shown here.

Step 13 of this How-To performs and deciphers the SQLGetInfo through a procedure that appears daunting, but in fact is really doing only two main jobs: getting a count and a list of the SQLGetInfo options that have been selected in the list box and then looping through to get their current settings, populating the grid control on the frmODBC form with the results. Let's break this procedure down into more manageable chunks because this procedure is important for you to understand.

After the variables used in the procedure are declared, the lstGetInfoData list box is looped through to find out what selections have been made by the user. For each selection, the RowData dynamic array is expanded by one element, and the name of the option is added. That way, the array will be fully populated with the names of the options selected. The variable selCount keeps a running count of how many options have been selected.

After that process is complete, the options are checked to see whether any were selected. If not, the user is asked to make at least one selection and then try again. There is no reason to proceed if there is nothing to do.

Next, the code clears the grdResults grid control in the frmODBC form, setting it up with three columns and rows equal to intSelCount + 1. One additional row is necessary for column headings.

The real work of the procedure begins, looping through each of the options and actually making the call to the SQLGetInfo ODBC function. This function returns the current setting for the data source for a selected option. Two things make the code a bit more complex. First, an integer needs to be passed to SQLGetInfo representing an index into the attribute or option to be checked. To get that index, loop through the ODBCGetInfo array, comparing the InfoType member to the name in strRowData, until there is a match. Because the names in strRowData came from ODBCInfo in the first place, there will be a match somewhere.

The second complexity arises from the types of values returned from SQLGetInfo. Table 6.10 lists the possible return types.

Table 6.10. SQLGetInfo return types.

TYPE InfoType Description
String S C type NULL-terminated string
Bitmask B 32-bit, usually with multiple meanings
Integer I Standard Visual Basic 16-bit number
Long L Standard Visual Basic 32-bit number

The InfoType column refers to the InfoType member of the GetInfo structure defined in ODBCAPI.BAS. This is simply an arbitrarily chosen code for use in the Select Case in this procedure so that SQLGetInfo can be called with the right variable type to receive the results.

The InfoType member can be either one or two characters long. The second character, if present, means that some special processing is necessary to make the result meaningful when it is put in the grid on the frmODBC form.

The Select Case structure then puts the results directly into the frmODBC grid.

Some of the property values returned might not be available, in which case the cmdGetInfo Click event procedure places a value of Error Getting Data in the results grid. You might get this result for many reasons, but the primary reason exposes one of the quirks of the ODBC system. Although ODBC has some rather specific demarcations between conformance levels (drivers must be at a Conformance Level 1 to be usable with Visual Basic), there is no guarantee that a driver will implement all the functionality of a given function. SQLGetInfo is no exception to this rule, unfortunately.

One way to determine whether this is the case is to make a call to SQLError (or the ODBCError wrapper function) to obtain more information about the error. In any event, it is safe to assume in most cases that the particular attribute should not be used with the particular data source.

As noted in step 13 of this How-To, the syntax of the SQLGetInfo function is this:

SQLGetInfo(hDbc, fInfoType, rgbInfoValue, cbInfoValueMax, pcbInfoValue)

Table 6.11 shows the arguments to the function.

Table 6.11. Arguments for the SQLGetInfo ODBC function.

ARGUMENT Description
hDbc Connection handle
fInfoType Type of information (in this How-To, from the ODBCGetInfo array)
rgbInfoValue Variable of the proper type to store results
cbInfoValueMax Maximum length of the rgbInfoValue buffer
pcbInfoValue Total number of bytes available to return in rgbInfoValue

The syntax of SQLGetFunctions is this:

SQLGetFunctions(hDbc, fFunction, pfExists)

Table 6.12 shows the arguments to the function.

Table 6.12. Arguments for the SQLGetFunctions ODBC function.

ARGUMENT Description
hDbc Connection handle
fFunction The particular function or, in this How-To, SQL_API_ALL_FUNCTIONS
pfExists For SQL_API_ALL_FUNCTIONS, an array with 100 elements for output

If you look at the contents of the ODBCAPI.BAS file, you'll see two functions, LoadGetInfo and ODBCLoadFuncs, that load global arrays with information about the SQLGetInfo property options and the list of functions available in ODBC. These two arrays are used to provide selection lists for the program in this How-To and loop through to make the actual calls to SQLGetInfo. The SQLGetInfo function has many property options, too numerous to describe here--see the ODBC SDK for a more detailed description of the property options and in which ODBC version they first appeared.

What if a driver is written only to the Core conformance level? Well, in a way, that isn't a problem because you won't be using that driver with Visual Basic anyway: Visual Basic counts on Level 1 conformance to interact with ODBC. Running the program in this How-To will provide an ODBC error, and you are finished. You can still use the driver, but only by making direct calls to the ODBC API from Visual Basic. In that situation, you'll need to consult the driver's documentation to find out what it can and cannot do. As a practical matter, by far and away most drivers are at least Level 1 conformance, so this will rarely be a problem.

The nice thing about the SQLGetFunctions function is that, even though it is a conformance Level 1 function, it is implemented in the ODBC Driver Manager, which sits between all applications using ODBC and the ODBC driver. That way, if the driver doesn't implement SQLGetFunctions, the Driver Manager will still give a list. If the driver does implement the function, the Driver Manager passes the call to the driver.


Understanding the SQLGetInfo and SQLGetFunctions functions is an extremely important part of understanding the ODBC API. Before moving to another How-To, experiment with the use of these functions, especially between different ODBC drivers, to get a better understanding of how varied different drivers can be in terms of functionality.

6.6 How do I...

Use ODBCDirect to connect to database servers?


My large application has been recently converted from DAO to ODBC, and the design specifications call for direct ODBC access. How can I get the power of ODBC with the ease of DAO programming in Visual Basic?


Well, here's good news. An extension of the DAO, called ODBCDirect, allows direct ODBC connection capability, with most of the flexibility of the DAO objects intact. ODBCDirect provides a Connection object, analogous to the DAO's Database object. It even has a Database property to simulate the Database object for your needs. The Connection object is the most important piece of the ODBCDirect object hierarchy, so that will be the focus of this example.


Open and run the ODBCDirect.VBP Visual Basic project file. Click the Open DSN button, and choose an ODBC data source. The form then opens a Connection object and displays the object's properties for the data source, similar to those shown in Figure 6.12.

Figure 6.12. Chapter 6.6 example.

1. Create a new project, and save it as ODBCDirect.VBP.

2. Name the default form Form1, and save the file as TRANS.FRM. Add the controls shown in Figure 6.12, setting the properties as listed in Table 6.13.

Table 6.13. Objects and properties for the ODBCDirect form.

OBJECT Property Setting
Form Name frmODBC
Caption Chapter 6.6 Example
TextBox Name txtProperties
ScrollBars 2 - Vertical
MultiLine True
Locked True
Font Courier
Font.Size 10
CommandButton Name cmdOpen
Caption &Open DSN
CommandButton Name cmdClose
Caption &Close
Label Name lblTables
Caption No information available

3. Add the following code to the declarations section of Form1:

Option Explicit
Dim conTemp As Connection

4. Add the following code to the form's Load event. The brevity of this routine doesn't explain its importance--the DefaultType property determines whether the DAO will construct a DAO or an ODBCDirect object. In this case, you are instructing the DBEngine that all objects created under it are ODBCDirect objects. If you planned to mix DAO and ODBCDirect access in the same application, you would perform this step at the workspace or database level, depending on your needs.

Private Sub Form_Load()
    `Notice the dbUseODBC parameter; this determines that DBEngine
    `will create an ODBCDirect workspace by default.
    DBEngine.DefaultType = dbUseODBC
End Sub

5. Add the following code to the Click event of cmdOpen. This routine first attempts to open an ODBCDirect Connection object by forcing the user to select an ODBC driver from the ODBC Data Sources dialog box. After it is selected, the Connection object is created and its properties concatenated into the txtProperties text box for display.

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
    `Let's create a Connection object. This line will force
    `the ODBC driver to prompt the user.
    `The ODBCDirect Connection object is identical, in terms of
    `DAO object hierarchy, to the Database object.
    Set conTemp = Workspaces(0).OpenConnection("", , False, _
    `If open, let's get the TableDefs from the Database
    `property of the Connection object.
    If IsObject(conTemp) Then
        `Since the Connection object does not support a
        `Properties collection, we must iterate through
        `each property manually.
        lblTables = "Information  - ODBCDirect connection to " & _
            conTemp.Name & ":"
        With conTemp
            txtProperties = "Connect           " & .Connect
            ` Property actually returns a Database object.
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "Database[.Name]:  " & .Database.Name
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "Name:             " & .Name
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "QueryTimeout:     " & .QueryTimeout
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "RecordsAffected:  " & .RecordsAffected
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "StillExecuting:   " & .StillExecuting
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "Transactions:     " & .Transactions
            txtProperties = txtProperties & vbCrLf & _
                "Updatable:        " & .Updatable
        End With
    End If
End Sub

6. Add the following code to the Click event of cmdClose:

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub

How It Works

The DBEngine is initialized with the dbUseODBC flag, which tells DAO that all the workspaces, connections, and so on will be generated via ODBCDirect, rather than through the DAO. Note that it's not an either-or situation; the same property exists on Workspace objects. A Workspace object can be created and then flagged for use with ODBCDirect, so DAO and ODBCDirect workspaces can exist together. This, by the way, proves very useful for projects involving data conversion or for communication with server and mainframe databases. After the DBEngine is initialized and the user presses the Open DSN button, the Connection object is created. After successful creation, the form prints each property of the Connection object (laboriously--the Connection object supports neither the Properties nor TableDefs collection) to the text box for your perusal.

The lack of a TableDefs collection can make it difficult to maneuver around a database, but this can be surmounted by workarounds. For example, Microsoft SQL Server allows a user to query the SysTables table, which maintains a list of tables in the database. It might take some doing, but you can find workarounds for many database systems to supply this information.


One good use of ODBCDirect is in the scaling of an application--if you see the need to move your DAO-based workstation application into the client/server arena, you can do so with a minimum of recoding and still apply the flexibility of ODBC at the same time with the use of ODBCDirect.

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