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How many are intrested in Firebrand?

7-08 - New Guild Layout Brought to you by Angelstrike and Quakrish! Download the background here!
6-28 - Download Syphe's Firebrand Wallpaper and visit our Artwork page for more! Please Submit your own!
6-28 - I don't know what Syphe is up to but they got that cow on that gnome mount somehow
6-26 - Raid Succes...sort of....See pictures Here and Here!!!! About Dishonable kills, i think it would be best if we kept our guild raids to certain PvP areas like TM/SouthShore, in order to avoid towns and Civilians that give us dirty DK's.....We will be raiding Instances also! We can take into consideration raiding Black Rock Depths in order to get everyone their CORE FRAGMENTS!!!! Molten Core is our Goal; Work Hard to Get to Par!!!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!
6-25 - Welcome Members of Guild Point Gank; Please take time to register on the forums!!!
6-22 - Diremaul will be our alternative Alliance 'mess around server'; Join the Forums to talk over a name!
6-20 - Watch Troll Idiut; he sets good examples for us all!
6-9 - Prepare for Battlegrounds!! Guild recruitment and reshaping process will begin friday the 10th; Firebrand will be known on tichondrious after this day to be some baddass Ally Fuck-er-up-ers!
5/22 - The Guild grows mightier by the day, more members join and our crestmemebers become more into their rolls in the raids! Visit the Tichondruis Forums Page to comment on the post's i've made about firebrand to better our reasoning to nonguildies about Firebrand
5/15 - Guild raid success - Got the chest from Gurubashi, smashed the faces of Astranaar, and Protected the lives of the Crossroads!
if you got screenshots, please send them to
5/07 - Arathi Highlands felt the rath of Firebrand - View a Screenshot of the battle Right here!
4/28 - New Artwork by your's truely - Qua'Krish Self Portrait!
4/28 - Guild Charters Updated - Lemme know if you have anything you want your Avatar to link to on the Crest Pages
4/27 - Guild Firebrand on Server Tichondrius is now on the interweb!

Officer's Notes
-Welcome to the homepage of guild Firebrand - Make sure to check your CREST charter to get an idea of your role with us in Firebrand.

-Guild meetings are 8:30 PM (servertime) at the Grom'gol fireplace on Saturdays!! Polls will be held before each raid for location, in the forums section of this page. Posted news are represented by their avatar from the charter!

-Instances - It's Firebrand Protocol to run instances at this point with Group Loot Set to Rare; this way green items drop as if it were set on Round Robin, and Blue and Purple are rolled on. Rolling goes as follows;
1 Class > 1 > Need > Infinite Greed;
we don't like ninjas, keep the name Firebrand clean on record!

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