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Our Family Album

Welcome to our Website!

Take a look into the past (when we only had 5 kids) and see how our goofy kids entertained themselves back in 2004.

HI! We're enjoying our new home in VA. The kids are enjoying the freedom to run around and play in their own yard and Mom & Dad are enjoying quieter times in the house. :)

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Our Home.

Back and side of our garage and woodshed.

Sammie enjoying breakfast on the porch.

Eating ice cream.

Pool time.

Baby Bella playing UNO.

Our first home grown tomatoes.

Hanging a door with Poppi (not pictured) for the basement entrance.

Never forget September 11th 2001.

Keep scrolling there are just a few more pictures left.

Sophie and her broken arm.

Fireworks at Titi Debbie's house. :)

A typical sunset from our porch.

A vivid reminder that we're no longer in Brooklyn. One of our back yard neighbors has a horse farm.

Happy Birthday Mommy.
July 16th 2007

Daddy and the kids.

Thanks for visiting. Click "E-Mail" and say hello to us. And don't forget to check out some of our links below.



DISCLAIMER - I've searched these websites and have not found any bad things on them, hopefully you won't either. This has been placed here because they're either fun or informative. Enjoy.

Mystery Link

In memory of my father (Sensei) Ivan Villegas

In memory of my brother Lonnie Villegas

Creative Uses for Dead Computer Equipment


Rapture Ready - An extensive website on the End Times

A great way to track your expenses, free too.

Fun things for kids to do in Virginia

Here is a good resource for studying the Bible

Creation or Evolution? Which is true? Who cares? You should! Find the facts here.

Like to color? My kids do.

Who's Alive and Who's Dead? This link will tell you.

Thank you Lord Jesus for your faithfulness!

Simple Invisible Tracker