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Author's Background

Author Background:

My interest in horses came at an early age. My first introduction came by way of a neighboring farm. Our neighborhood included a friendly, respectable horse dealer who had an interesting set up with a meticulous barn beneath his living quarters. He and his wife were friendly with the neighboring children. Naturally, I was their biggest fan. Whenever my mother lost sight of me she would find me spending time with the ponies. I found them irresistible.

Years later I agreed to help take care of horses for an often absentee owner. It was then that I acquired a retired racer that took a liking to me. I still recall the morning rides where I would get on my horse and ride through the spacious acres to meet up with a neighbor who had a pony on the other side of the farm property. I can still recall the feeling of the fresh morning air and the music on the transistor radio with the song, “Its A Beautiful Morning”, playing as we cantered through the field.

Years later I took my riding more serious and started taking lessons. Later I started spending time at the racetrack which was a totally different experience for me. I found it all so fascinating and learned quite a bit as I spent more time on the backstretch. I acquired a young thoroughbred, who by the way, taught me so much about riding, horses and myself. He was special, with his own unique qualities. He was paramount in my building interest with horses. He was known to be difficult at times and yet so loveable. He was a turning point in my life sort of speak. He was the one who got the ball rolling for me when it came to my interest in horses.

I took lessons whenever they would fit into my schedule and availability. Some of my lessons were with an international medalist who spent time with me on classical transitions.

Throughout the years, several friends of mine trained and owned thoroughbreds. Time spent on the backstretch helping to run horses led me to a particular interest in their soundness and wellbeing. My interest in energy was already brewing. People started telling me I was good with horses and they responded to me.

As years went on I spend more time studying, observing and evaluating horses as I studied the various massage practices. I then expanded as I reverted back to my energy studies. After being inspired by Pamela Hannay‘s works, I furthered my studies and perfected techniques to influence the flow of Ki energy. I found it fascinating and to this day I myself am still intrigued by the results. People would often ask me questions about shiatsu techniques and Ki energy. They wanted to know how it “worked”, etc. This all lead up to my deciding to write my book. Originally my book started out as a potential workshop book. I then decided to expand on it and write an actual book.

