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TRS friendly since 2004

Egg & Dart is Tyler Evans and his awkward style
of comedy/satire/humor/pop songs.

Album will be out Spring/Summer of 2009.

Links: E&D Blog (New) | Upcoming Shows | E&D on Facebook | Egg & Dart on Myspace


Recording cont...other stuff | March 11, 2009
Recording continues, slow and steady hopefully
wins the race. Egg & Dart Stickers in a month
or so. Maybe T-shirts!

Huh? What? I'm confused | November 11, 2008
Uh, so the blog is probably a lot better place than
this website. And the blog is easier to read.
Anyway, recording is moving along and trying
figure everything out and get it how we want it.
Also, joined PS Records, a tucker and stuart idea thing.
Shows soon.

Whistle while you work | August 20, 2008
Brent's studio is done he just has to figure out
how to use it. Might be making Egg & Dart t-shirts.
Might be on the community college radio.
Cameron is along for the ride. Recording soon.

Coming along Nicely | May 3, 2008
Brent's new studio in the basement is now being
built. Brent tells me it is making good progress,
so I hope to record with him probably over the summer.

Also, more shows like old times soon.

Brought Back to Life | January 11, 2008
So RMac and I are back together as Egg & Dart.
We will be recording our album sometime this year,
hopefully in Brent's new studio and hopefully
Spring or Summer 2008. It's been fun jamming lately
and I think we've got some good ideas
for a cool album. Check out the shows section.

Death to the Duo | November 7, 2004
As of today Egg & Dart are no more.
I've decided to just go solo for now,
and completing an acoustic version of
Nature Getting Its Revenge in the coming months.
My new website is here.
RMac will play with me occasionally I'm sure,
but I felt it best to just do the lo fi thing
for now and then when I get back get a band together.
Thanks to everyone for supporting us.

Free Show this Friday | September 14, 2004
Hey all, its short notice, but we will be playing a show this friday at Tyler's house.
Check the upcoming shows page for details. Cheers

Stephapalooza 2 | September 29, 2004
We are trying to plan the best show ever for the fall season, aka Stephapalooza 2.
The very first Stephapalooza was such a success that we thought we'd bring it back for another round of awesome tunes, cool bands, and sweet refreshments and pizza.
We are bringing Brandon back on drums and we are going electric again,
so get excited. Stay tuned for all the details!

Photos Up | July 31, 2004
So the pics from our basketball photo shoot are up in the Art Corner.
Check them out!!

Kilby Last Night | July 31, 2004
The show last night was awesome and too much fun.
We ended the show perfectly with an intense version
of Aint Nothin But Trouble. RMac and I shared a moment on stage.
We had some good laughs too. Thanks to Tim for being a roadie,
and thanks to the Brobecks for playing and inviting us to play.
Thanks to everyone at Kilby Court who makes it all possible,
and a big thank you to everyone who came to see us play.

Also we have some sweet official band pics
that I'll be putting up tonight here and on myspace.

Here is the setlist:

Desert Floor
Warm Silent Calm
Drop Original
Jungle Beat
Sunrise & Sunset
Aint Nothin But Trouble


New Art Corner | July 27, 2004
Check out the new pics in the Art Corner. Cheers.

Kilby Court Show! | July 26, 2004
Hey, just a heads up that we ARE playing at Kilby Court
along side The Brobecks on July 30th, this Friday at Kilby.
The show with The AUM Rifle at Starry Night has been cancelled, sorry.
Check the Upcoming Shows Page out...Thanks again for your support!

Recording Update | July 7, 2004
Hello to all. So the news on recording is that Brent
is putting the finishing touches on his "studio", and should be done soon,
so we will be recording through the summer,
and it looks like we will have a finished project in the fall.

Thanks for being so patient.
Oh, and here's a new tracklisting:

1 Sunrise and Sunset (formerly Wussy)
2 Maui Manu Mele (Maui Bird Song)
3 Jungle Beat
4 Drop Original (title may change)
5 Scott Hayward
6 Desert Floor
7 Warm Silent Calm (new, debuted at Stephapalooza)
8 Ain't Nothin But Trouble
9 Lava Like Blood (new, debuted at Stephapalooza)
10 When I was Born I Nearly Died

Oh and Maria might be a B-side.

Important News | June 26, 2004
Huge thanks to Stephanie for hosting and everyone who
came to Stephapalooza. It was a ton of fun for RMac and I,
and apparently everyone had a good time.

On a similar note, Dusty Allen, who played a great set,
might have the answer to our album recording prayers.
So we might be actually recording this summer.
Stay tuned for more updates on shows.

Oh yeah, here's the setlist

1. Sunrise & Sunset
2. Jungle Beat
3. Scott Hayward
4. Drop Original
5. Warm Silent Calm
6. Ain't Nothin But Trouble
7. When I was Born I Nearly Died
8. Desert Floor
9. Lava Like Blood

Stephapalooza Update | June 10, 2004
Stephapalooza starts at 7:00 pm.
Click on Upcoming Shows for more.

zzzzZZZzZzzzz | June 8, 2004
First off, check out the Upcoming Shows page.
Stephapalooza is June 25, and is going to be off the hook.
Secondly, Congrats to all you graduates,
and we are yet to begin the recording process.
Please be patient. We are working on it.
Also, all new bio for Tyler. Cheers.

Album News | May 11, 2004
Hey, here's the tracklisting for the album,
(this is a rough draft, changes may occur):

1 Sunrise and Sunset (formerly Wussy)
2 Maui Manu Mele (Maui Bird Song)
3 Jungle Beat
4 Drop Original (title may change)
5 Scott Hayward
6 Desert Floor
7 Ain't Nothin But Trouble
8 Maria
9 Lava Like Blood (new, yet to be premiered)
10 When I was Born I Nearly Died

Anyway, there it is, get pumped, keep sweet, be chill.

Chill News | May 5, 2004
Working on a new song, and I'm sure a couple more
will come to me this week, I have a feeling.
Recording hopefully starts in a couple weeks. Get way pumped.

Site News | May 1, 2004
There's a new picture of me (Tyler) on my bio page.
Click my name above to check it out.

Album News | April 13, 2004
Well, the good news is that RMac and I will most likely be recording our album in May,
hopefully finishing in June. We will be doing a showcase of the album songs sometime fairly soon. We just have to get ready...

Kilby Last Night | March 26, 2004
Hey, thanks to Tucker for coming to our show.
Also thanks to everyone at Kilby for hosting, it was a fun show, even though no one came, on time at least. Oh, RMac has a tight new pic in his bio.

Band Update | March 1, 2004
RMac, Tyler, and our good pal Matt Colson jammed it up today.

Site Update | February 25, 2004
Yeah, intense new links added,
including the way hip band The Brobecks,
and this way awesome site Utah Pictures,
which has some really cool photos of the Utah Mountains
and such. You really ought to check it out!

