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Barton Foundation:
An organization founded by Dekim Barton; funded Operation Meteor; was the cause of Maremaia Kushrenada's attack on the Earth(endless waltz)

Earth Sphere Alliance:
The organization in control of the world at the start of the show. It is excessively militaristic and oppressive, especially over the colonies, and many countries, such as the Cinq(Sanc) Kingdom, were forced to join.

The Gundams:
The five Gundam pilots sent to Earth from the colonies to destroy OZ

Operation of the Zodiac(OZ):
A group within the Earth Sphere Alliance military that seeks to overthrow it. Many of the main characters are officials in OZ: Treize Kushrenada, Zechs Merquise, Lucretzia Noin, and Lady/Colonel Une. Their stated goal is to liberate the countries within the Alliance

Romefeller Foundation:
The organization that founded OZ. It is comprised of rich old men in the Alliance heirarchy. They eliminate Zechs from OZ and place Treize under house arrest for misconduct. Dorothy Catalonia is the granddaughter of one of hte cheif members.

The Treize Faction:
A faction of OZ that supports Treize Kushrenada; breaks away from Romefeller after Treize's arrest

White Fang:
An extremist organization founded by Quinze and headed by Milliardo Peacecraft. Its goal is to eliminate Earth, the source of all human conflict, so that the colonies can live in peace.