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_terms to know__

_billiard room____






by gwynmclaine

There's not much to say about this one without spoiling the story.
I can only say that there are things in this story that are a little unorthodox.
You have to read it to find ha!

e-mail me! fanfic e-mails to

by alice springs

This is a nice original fanfiction. For those of you
that like good writing and a serious story with a fair amount of
comedy--and especially if you're a heero fan--or if you just want something a little
different, try it out. It's well worth it.

the gundam wing christmas party
this is a short fanficiton that began as a quasi parody of the movie Clue. Mind that I did this on very little sleep and a couple too many movies...It's a crazy, twisted little fic, anyway. Note: The characters act mildly to very ooc--it's intended to be that way.


The following is a small collection of short essays involving Gundam, the specific subjects of which are indicated in the title

a mild rant on "fandom"

Wufei Chang

On Relena Peacecraft

If you use anything from these pages without permission and especially without giving credit to the authors, then you are STEALING .Please respect the work of others.