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Affiliate Name : Drew Waddell
Affiliate Code : sle7oam
40 times faster than dialup
4 times faster than broadband
2000kbps minimum speed
Available World Wide
Works with any line
No Contract
No Charges

Click here to get details about how to get Faster than broadband for FREE!

Make 10’s of
thousands $£€

Find out how you can EARN £27GBP, $48 USD, €42 €uro for each surfer you give away FREE FASTER than broadband to.

Give Away FASTER than Broadband for FREE and EARN CASH!

Anyone can become an affiliate and
EARN a lot of money from the Worldwide Internet by giving away this revolutionary unique FREEFASTER than broadband service”.

You WILL EARN “10’s of THOUSANDS $£€” just by referring users to this great, unique service.


You don’t need any experience or special skills, just the desire to succeed and YOU WILL! You don’t need a website all you need is a PC and an email address.

We pay the BEST commission and have the greatest most unique service on the Internet today and it has that instant magic marketing property too – it’s FREE.

Don’t miss this opportunity. This is like the internet starting all over again, but with you at the top of the money tree. Join NOW!

What's the facts?

There are over 300 million people on the Internet and probably 99% of them would use FASTER than Broadband if they knew it existed. Just as an example, in the UK, there are:

  • 12 million Internet homes
  • 79% of UK homes are using dial-up
  • 18% of UK homes are using broadband
  • How many dial-up homes do you think are unhappy with their connection speed?
  • How many broadband users would like FREE broadband
  • 12 million households have a need for this new revolutionary service in the UK alone
Now calculate the business from all the other countries of the world and add up your possible commission.

We will pay YOU £27.00 GBP for every surfer that connects to the FASTER than broadband service plus a further £1.78 GBP for each surfer your referrals sign up.

Exchange Rates
£27GBP = $48USD, €39 €URO, $63CAD, $64AUD, $74NZD
£1.78GBP = $3.22USD, €2.57€URO, $4.17CAD, $4.22AUD, $4.86NZD

You don’t have to refer other affiliates but when you do, YOU earn a £1.78 GBP override from their business activity. There are 10 levels in the downstream and you can refer unlimited people into the level below you and each of them can, in turn do the same, they can refer others into the level below them and so on and YOU benefit from £1.78 GBP overrides payments from each person in each level.

Therefore, when you refer 10 affiliates and they refer another 10 each who further refers 10 affiliates and each of them sign up 100 customers per month, then the income you could EARN is really phenomenal. Work it out for yourself! Your income would be over £200, 000 GBP a month from your own overrides and personal revenue.

Make money the easy way……… You don’t need any experience or website. Would you like to earn over £10, 000 GBP a month without selling, stock, investment or having to answer the phone or write letters ever again?

This is probably the only proven risk free opportunity on the Internet that offers such a HUGE virtually guaranteed income and success.

Your success is almost guaranteed.

  • Joining is risk free
  • The service would be used by over 300 million surfers if they knew about it
  • It pays a very good commission per connection - £27 GBP
  • It pays an override per connection made by referrals - £1.78 GBP
  • We provide access to stats and FREE marketing assistance
  • It can be used in any country and has multi-lingual world wide support
  • It’s simple to operate and make commission
  • You give the service away for FREE
  • The service has huge user value as it saves them money and SPEEDS UP their connection to FASTER than broadband
  • Commission is PAID weekly in any currency by PayPal, Bank Transfer or Cheque/Check

Become YOUR own first customer and EARN CASH

EARN CASH - Become an affiliate NOW.

If you’d like more information about becoming an affiliate please complete this short form. We will send you information to your email address.

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