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Davids Star Wars Cantina

Welcome to my Cantina

"This is the weapon of a Jedi elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were gaurdians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire..." Obi-Wan Kenobi

Lightsabers, are an ancient weapon of the Jedi and Sith that requires amazing confidence and skill. Building a lightsaber is one of the last steps toward becoming a Jedi Knight. While it is deactivated, a lightsaber is just a hilt with control knobs and studs lining all along the side of it. The earliest of lightsabers were connected through a cable to a power pack on the belt, they did not have power cells inside the hilt. The power in the power cells isn't really used until its cutting somthing so power cells can be used years between recharging. All lightsabers have to be custom built by the owner. All Jedi Knights and Sith Lords must master this difficult skill.

Hey boys and girls

This is David and i just wanna say... I am sorry I only update my site like once every year. BUT! I do know there are some very devoted David Fans out there! So!...For my very avid fans I promise you that I will have a guest book.....yes sir an actual guest book for you very brilliant and splendid fans to I can gather your thoughts and opinions...

But not today


I Know this has nothing to do with Star Wars, but....I just have to say that I REALLY REALLY Want to go to a Dropkick Murpheys concert

Hey People

I know...another thing that is not about Star Wars...I think i might just change the name......maybe if i get anyone who will look at this site and if i get remotely good at this html stuff I will let you the people vote for the name....what!!!!....thats not even what I wanted to tell you devoted fans...Well here goes...I am kind of in a band...sort of..Kind of...We dont have a name and we dont cooperate with each other and we are kind of disfunctional...come to think of it we aren't really a band...

Does anybody need a bass player?......

Oh yeah!!!

I think we are going to play in the talent show too..or not....cuz we suck

Hey Cantina Fans

Please forgive me for the boringness of this page...I suck at HTML...Blake Rocks at it go to his site...his Rocks!......Mine doesn't really rock all that much...

Just don't Forget me
How they work:
Lightsabers run on long lasting powercells that send energy through the a crystal which will focus that energy out of the emitter making the blade. The blade color depends on the on its type of crystal/jewel/gem. Most of the time Adegan crystals are used, they produce the green blades. Corusca gems make the blue blades and are more efficient. While some guys like Mace Windu like the use of artificially made jewels, that make purple blades. They are not used often but i guess there ok since Mace Windu uses them. The Sith have a different perspective on lightsabers as in comparison to The Jedi. Jedi look for efficiency and Sith look not for efficiency but gems that can handle higher power. These are sometimes called Kellian crystals Single jewel sabers have fixed blade lengths, but lightsabers with multiple jewels can be adjusted by rotating a knob or twisting the hilt.

Hello again people

I think I will just type stuff in to fill up the bottom of this little table thingy...yes sir.... I can't really think of anything to I will just type whats on my mind right now.......I am hungry....Well This sure is Star Wars like aint it...yeah...I think that will do it....I think I used enough letters, words, and little dots to fill up that space of nothing that was driving me crazy... : )

I am Lonely : (

Millennium Falcon
Han Solo's Millennium Falcon is "The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy." Han Solo and Chewbacca won this YT-1300 freighter from a smuggling friend, Lando Calrissian in a game sabacc. Han and Chewbacca have modified the Falcon far past legal limits. Its hyperdrive system is twice the size of that of a normal YT-1300. Its modified hyperdrive system will let it go .5 past lightspeed which will let it run twice as fast as an Imperial Starship. Which comes in handy when he's got himself into some trouble. Another thing that helps him is his two customized quad laser cannons,the turrets are above and below the ship they provide protection from more than likely bounty hunters and Imperial ships. These cannons are very illegal. He has customized his ship in countless ways and almost everything he has done to it is illegal, such as guns and hyperdrive, he also has a very top of the line sensor dish that alerts him of Imperial Ships. Over the years its been beaten and banged up but Solo never tries to repair or clean it up as a sense of pride.