


Starwars Poll
Who is your favorite pilot?

Wedge Antillies
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Hobbie Klivian
Wes Janson
Corran Horn
Tyco Celchu


Just getting back into the swing of things her in updating. Just gimmi an email if you'd like to see something new here.

Thanks- Dan

Just updated the poll, so go on over to the home page and vote.

Also, I will be without internet access for a few days in about a week, so there will not be any updating for awhile. I am working on getting the story pages finished, and I also need help with character profiles. If you can write me a profile and maybe submit some news, I well add you to the staff list when I get it up. here is the email adress that you can send everything to: webmaster@darthdan.cjb.net

Hey, got the whole site updated withe the new version. Gonna add some new features like a character profiles section and a space craft profile section. Thats about it for now.

I'v got the template for the site all done, just need to chang to that format. Thats all in the way of updates for now.

Comming soon....
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