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Class Act Catering, Create a Custom Menu

Yes, we can create a custom menu for you.

Give us as much information as you have and we will do the rest. To help us serve you better complete the form below and hit submit. We will create the custom menu and quote you a price. Use the comment field to give us special instructions.

Tell us about the event:

Contact Name

Company Name

Address City ZIP

Day Phone Night Phone

Fax Number E-Mail

Estimated Number of Guest

Type of Event

Approximate start and ending time of Event

Any Special food request

Style of Service

How did you find out about us?

Do you have an approximate budget in mind?

Would you like information on our next Private Tasting?


The cost of catering an event varies based on the type of menu desired, the size and location of the event, the season and other factors; but the following guidelines should provide you with a good idea of what you should expect for various types of parties.

Time of Day

The time of day can play a significant role in the type of event you are planning. Your guests will typically expect different types and quantities of food depending on the time of day. We suggest the following as an example.

Lunch - 11am to 1pm

High Tea / Snacks - 2pm to 4pm

Dinner - 5pm to 7pm

Passed Light Hors d'oeuvres - 8pm +

Type of Event and Menu

The type of event can be the biggest determining factor in price, and also has the widest variability. Does the event require substantial service staff (i.e. a served dinner), medium staff (passed hors d'oeuvres), or light staff (a buffet)? Is the menu simple or complex? The following are rough estimates as to what you can reasonably expect various types of menus to cost.

Passed Light Hors d'oeuvres $12 - $18 per person

Buffet Dinner $18 - $25 per person

Served Dinner $22+ per person

High Tea $12 - $18 per person

Simple BBQ $12+


Most people forget about the cost of rental items. Consider if your event can be done with paper and plastic or if you need glass and china. Do you need tables and chairs? Cloth Napkins? You can expect the following prices for standard items.

Glass and China $5 per person

Table and Chairs with Linen $7 per person

Cloth Napkin $.75 per person

Most events do require rental items. We have worked out a special program with our local renters in order to bring you rental items of high quality at standard prices, while we handle all the arrangements and transportation. There is no additional handling charge on these items.
Often, rental pieces will be essential for creating the desired atmosphere for your event. Many unique items are available. Ask us for assistance in creating the perfect ambience for your event!


Does the site you rent provide tables and chairs? Linen? Tents? Kitchen Facilities? All of these may effect your bottom line.

Length of Event

A simple idea, which people sometimes overlook: How long do you expect the service staff stay? How long will you need to rent a hall? Remember that in the time you set aside for the site rental you must include time for set up and clean up. Can the catering staff start clean up while your guests are still there?

Service Staff

The number and type of servers at your function depend upon the number of guests and the size of the facility. Included in our quoted prices is our kitchen staff only. Most events, especially those with table side service, require additional service staff.
The average sit-down dinner will require one service person for every 20 guests, with an average time of 6 hours per server, including set up, clean up and travel time.
For weddings or extended events, the times may be longer. Additional service staff may be added to reduce service time with a higher ratio of servers to guests. We can also arrange for additional support staff such as bartenders, hostess services, coat check, cake and champagne service

PLEASE remember that these guidelines are only a few "rule of thumb" suggestions to aid in your planning and budgeting, and prices may vary depending upon seasonal fluctuations and the specifics of your particular event.
We would be happy to consult with you regarding your individual event. Please feel free to Contact Us