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Personality Body









{/ The scene opens up in the big house of Alex Bernett.Who is walking around in the arly mourning who just got out of the shower and is only in his robe with a pair of boxer briefs on the phone rings and Alex walks over and answer's it \}

{.::/ Alex \::.} Hello?

{.::/ Max \::.} Hey! It's me Max your agant. Don't act like you forgot Alex!

{.::/ Alex \::.} Oh yeah,hey hows it going?

{.::/ Max \::.} Hey I found a really good role for you to do. You can either pick the good guy or the bad guy no matter what you get to show off your moves. So just come on down here and try out for the part alright?

{.::/ Alex \::.} Alright. I will be down around 3:00 I have to still go do my work out. Plus the fact I need some time to myself before I try out anyway. Alright so i'll leave here soon. Thanks Max.

{.::/ Max \::.} Anytime Alex. Just don't dissapoint me. Oh yeah there is also one more part open if you make the good guy or the bad guy we need someone els to play the role you didn't get so if you could find someone. Anyone you can pick a bum off the road and turn him into a mutimillionaire. Alright so pick someone and see if they want to. The name of the movies is Last Chance! Alright well see you later Alex buh bye.

{.::/ Alex \::.} Bye.