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ChroniC'z CribK

Wazzup, I'm just Gettin started y'all on this paGe... this is Gonna Ce my personal paGe Fo just shit i like, and shit i Want to put up here... like musiC, and some otha shit..

it ain't done yet, and i didn't Want to link it till it Was Finished, Cut Cein as hoW i am lazy sometimes, i FiGure i put somethin up Fo y'all, so...

Well, your probaly Wantin to knoW Why the addy reads: Cantina/ChroniC. Well, i Wanted somethin in my theme oF my name, i Wanted to have like Weed/ChroniC, bKut there was nothin like that oFFered, so Closest i Could Get Was Cantina.. WhiCh is spanish Fo bar... What you do in a bar? Well, i drink or Get hiGh, so... i Guess it Fitz...

AiiGht, mo later, i Got shit to do riGht noW.. peep the book...

shit that's in the Works: MessaGe board

paGe Created: 3/21/03

Last updated: 3/21/03 @ 6:30p.m.

My email addy:

iF you Got AOL IM, my handle is: ChroniC_LoC


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