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Chinnia Henry Mendoza

Sunrise : 17th December 1920   

Sunset : 30th November 1952


    On Saturday November 30th, 2002 at the Home of daughter Joyce Ghany will be held a Memorial Thanksgiving Service in Memoriam of Mrs Chinnia Henry Mendoza passing 50 years ago.  The Service to be attended by Family Members across the world who are able to attend.


Programme.        Time 1:00pm

  1. Welcome & Opening Remarks - Joyce Ghany

  2. Entrance - We Have Come Into This House

  3. Penitential Rite - Let There Be Peace On Earth - Performed By : Patricia, Jenny, Zea, Nancy, Alicia, Cynthia & Kerron

  4. Opening Prayer - Priest

  5. In Memoriam - Charles Mendoza

  6. First Reading - Revelation 21 : 1-7

  7. Response - What A Friend We Have In Jesus

  8. Gospel - John 11 : 17-27

  9. Sermon - Priest

  10. Intercessions

  11. Song - Pass It On

  12. Meditation Song - Austin Mendoza

  13. Remarks - Andrew, Girley, Wilson, David

  14. Poem - In Memory Of A Mother - Franka Mendoza

  15. Song - If You Want To See The Blessing

  16. Our Father

  17. Closing Prayer

  18. Final Song - Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory


    In construction at the moment is a family tree.  It has been a long process to get all names, marriages, and births correct as this family seems to grow by the year.  It would be at best possible if you can contact me via mail or even better by E-mail with all updates and pictures so I can add them to the Website.  This is a start on a legacy that should be held on for our future generations so they can see and examine how large and where our family stems from.  It is something that I have come to realize that should have been done years ago instead of waiting for this very moment.  I am well motivated to make this work, but it can only be possible with your your support and response.  I am presently trying to get old pictures scanned and re-developed for the website.  If you at all possible have old pictures or anything to contribute to this site please send it.......Thank you...........


Sincerely yours :  Allan Ramchatesingh

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