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Sailor Sycorax

Name: Saiji Anchuu

Name Meaning: Ritual in the dark

Also Known As: Sailor Sycorax

Good, Evil, or Neutral? Good

Age: 19

Birth date: Nov. 11

Appearance: Even though she may seem that way from her sometimes-imposing personality, Saiji is not a tall person. She is only about 5’ 5". Her body figure still seems elongated, however. She has been gifted with a nice figure, but she secretly feels some hostility towards her body shape. Although no one would call her fat, she would never be a model. She is voluptuous and shaped rather like a classic nude. Even if she would like to slim down, she’s actually quite proportional. Her skin is relatively dark, yet it seems a little jaundiced. She has a tattoo; it is a black armband, shaped like a serpent writhing around her left bicep. Saiji’s facial features are chiseled and delicate in appearance, with a sharp, angular effect overall. In fact, her features can be extremely severe at times, such as when she is very angry or upset. She normally wears makeup; she is rarely seen without a dusting of purple or blue eyeshadow. Framed by long eyelashes, her almond-shaped eye! s are very expressive and most often twinkling with a sneer. Her eyes are cold silver-blue, approaching gray. Her hair is glossy black; she wears it in very loose thick ringlets just past her shoulder blades. On occasion, she has it twisted up with a pair of black chopsticks. She would never abase herself by wearing jeans and a t-shirt; her choice in clothing is much more refined. She often wears three-piece suits, complete with a tie. She also likes wearing dresses of all kinds, and when she is feeling laid-back, she might go out in public wearing slacks and a nice top. Her favorite accessories are hats – fedoras, floppy hats, top hats, anything. She also seems to enjoy jewelry; at times, her combined glimmer can be seen from Pluto. Saiji carries herself in a very graceful manner, almost as if she is floating. Her steps are always planned and dignified, and her nose is usually several feet in the air.

Strengths: She is very intelligent and organized; she is an impeccable planner. She is also dignified and graceful, even if she is, um, less than pleasant. She is also persistent, often to the point of obsession.

Weaknesses: She is arrogant, overconfident, and too proud to accept help. She is also a little hypocritical and notoriously unable to show compassion or sensitivity.

Likes: She has an affinity for luxury, and surrounds herself with very expensive items. She loves fancy designer clothes, silk furniture coverings, antiques, and Impressionist artwork. She also likes theological debate, and owns a veritable library on the subject.

Dislikes: Loud noise is something she absolutely cannot stand. It is disruptive, rude, and just plain immature. She is the crabby neighbor everyone has downstairs, the one trying to shut up the raucous parties. She also dislikes children – they are loud and insolent and just grow into even louder and more insolent adults.

Hobbies: She spends a good deal of time in her library, poring over volume after volume of religious tomes and the writings of philosophers. When she needs a slightly lighter diversion, she plays the harp and participates in the local archery club. She also collects art, especially Impressionist and Surrealist pieces.

Goals: She really just wants to get on with her life and get over "destiny" and "fate" and all the mistakes she has made in the past. She also wants to become a harpist or author once she leaves school; she has a hope in the back of her head that a career will dispel all of her problems.

Occupation: Student

Allies and Friends: Her allies are the satellite senshi, even if they do get on her nerves occasionally. She has a casual friend or two; these are mostly wealthy playgirls, the society ladies one would never take home to momma.

Battle Outfit: Her primary color is midnight blue, and her secondary is white. Her shoes are dark blue stiletto boots that come up to her knee and there end in a point. Also midnight blue is her skirt, which is pleated and flared out slightly. On the left side of the skirt there is a thin inverted cross drawn in white. She wears a white bow on the small of her back; the bow has thin ribbons that dangle to her knees. Her bodysuit is white; the large white bow in the center of her chest almost blends in. In the center of that bow is a dark blue stone that matches her blue sailor collar. There are two straight white lines running along the hem of the collar. Sycorax wears no sleeves; instead, her white gloves go halfway up her upper arm, where they are lined with blue. Her collar is a thick band of pearls and lace wrapped around her neck. She wears only one earring, a large white hoop in her right ear. Her tiara is silver, set with a dark star sapphire.

Equipment: None at the moment.

Power Base: Black magic (Sycorax, in Shakespeare's "Tempest", was an evil witch)

Senshi Symbol: An inverted, or heretic's, cross

Powers – UP TO 3: Chthonic Incursion – Sycorax holds up two fingers in front of her, as if she were holding a cigarette. A little key appears between the tips of her fingers and begins glowing black. She pulls her hand back to the side and arches it slightly, as if she were preparing to throw the key at her target. Which she does. She flings the key out, and it breaks into a small cloud of fluttering little mini-demon-looking things. The swarm flies towards the target and usually goes for the face, nipping and scratching and making an awful noise besides before dying out after about a minute. Usually, the attack results in a few big scratches and a lot of little scrapes on the target. It is a hard attack to dodge or block (although a quick person could outrun it, and some magical defenses work well against it), but it does take some energy. She can do it two or three times before being worn out. It doesn't work quite as well if the target has a weapon, since the little devils can be harmed or killed by weapons or offensive attacks. The attack itself sometimes backfires as well; she sometimes ends up attacking herself or her allies by mistake.

Pestilence Fantastic - She holds up her hands and cups them before her face as she mutters the name of the attack several times over. As she closes her eyes in concentration, little multi-colored sparks start to dance in her hands. Her eyes spring open and she blows the sparks out of her hand in a motion similar to blowing on a dandelion. The sparks circle around the target and disappear into the skin. At first, the target doesn't feel anything. However, he soon starts to feel an incredible itching sensation, as though insects were crawling under his skin. For half a minute or so, he is compelled to scratch himself madly, occasionally rubbing his skin raw and inflicting minor wounds upon himself. This is Sycorax' favorite attack; not only does it distract the target and disconcert his friends, it can also inflict some pretty big scratches, especially if the target uses a weapon to attempt to relieve the itching. The attack doesn't require a lot of energy, but a person with plenty of willpower can refrain from scratching himself, and simply covering any exposed skin prevents the attack from taking hold.

Devil’s Magnificat – Sycorax snaps, and a little black baton appears between her fingers. She twirls the baton on her fingertips for a minute as it starts glowing dully. She then picks it up and starts tracing a pattern in the air, as if she were a bandleader keeping time. A horrid noise suddenly fills the air; it vaguely resembles a howling dog in pain combined with three cats attached to a ceiling fan at high speed. It starts out low, and eventually reaches a frantic fever pitch that is almost unbearable. While the attack does no damage to the targets, most people are so offended and/or distracted by the sound that they cannot attack Sycorax. That means, however, that a couple earplugs would completely protect the enemy against this attack. She normally uses this as a distraction tactic, to keep her enemies busy if she needs to make a quick getaway. On the plus side, it takes almost no energy, so she can use it multiple times to keep the noise going if need be. However, she is so near to the source of the sound that she could temporarily lose her hearing, even after the noise subsides.

History: Although born on the moon Sycorax, Saiji spent most of her early life on Uranus. Her mother had just made some important scientific discovery, and had to move so that she could hold various cocktail parties and pretend to be making important connections to other scientists. Saiji was about five when the family moved, and had always been a quiet child. It did not help her in the social department that the dialect of her home moon was completely different from that of the mother planet. From the time she moved until her return to Sycorax at the age of nine, she had almost no friends. She spent most of her time sequestered away with her private tutor. Her only real friend was a fellow foreigner, a slightly older girl named Hotaru. They spent a good deal of their free time together and soon could finish each other’s sentences and almost act as one unit. That friendship, however, was the first of Saiji’s to fail. When she moved back home, she never saw her old friend ! again. Her lack of interaction with other children became a severe impediment of Saiji’s in making friends. Still, her life was not total misery during those early years. She was very good in school, and skipped two grades upon her return. Her parents were exceedingly wealthy owing to a blood relationship to the rulers of Sycorax, and she was something of a spoiled brat who got everything she ever wanted. Her material possessions, at least, were never lacking. Eventually, Saiji just learned to help herself and be her own best friend, or at least try. She did, at least, become even more independent than ever before. While her social life suffered, other areas of her life flourished. She was a very talented harpist who played publicly for local musicals/operas. As the star of her archery club, she earned herself some recognition in the athletic (if archery can be considered very athletic…) area. Saiji’s independence was sorely tested later, though. Evil had come to her solar system; she had to admit that she even felt some sympathy for the people who had ignored or hurt her in the past. Still, this could be her big chance; she debated joining the side of Chaos. She decided against it, but not because of her morals. The dark senshi attacked her home moon and destroyed the grand palace in which she lived. Few people were killed, and everyone was promptly relocated, but Saiji was severely miffed when she found out that her station in life was in danger. In effect, evil got a little too personal.

Satellite Senshi RPG