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If I Only Had The Words

Haai! (to copy ali's baai, xoxo you're the origional babe) OK its been since...ok like the end of january that I said anything on here. But that's just because I was uninspired. So anyway I have way new stuff to say and way new ways to say it. hehehe that was fun. OK I bet no one has missed me since I last left my fingerprints (key strokes?) on this site but lets all review anyway. Colleen is a booored little girl with a very little life which she chooses to share with the world at large (look out world). And because the world does not care about Colleen's little life she is forced to inflict her rambelings and rhymes on you, her friends, and those who with they weren't. So fare thee well and leave me a msg. else I feel lost, for at what cost, do you nod your host? That don't rhyme darlin' ok have to go before I explode. Check out the new poetry I happen to love it... XOXO love to you and all you love.
~Colleen 02-22-03

Mockingbirds from emerald heaven skies
Sing the sorrow of butterflies
Twilight music ever scattered
In waves on open fields
Falling into tomorrow

Brown Eyed Girl
All Eyes On Me
Stuck In A Moment
The Last DJ
Midnight Confessions