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Friday  Night  Fight -#2-

Which game should we play?
Call of Duty (vanilla)
Doom 3
Enemy Territory
I don't have cool games

Saturday, October 23, 2004 5:06 AM-Early...too early...

The first 'Friday Night Fight' had a less than stellar showing...but regardless, it has begun. Please vote for the next game to be played. If you want to participate, let me know and I'll sign you up. The site has had a minor cosmetic change, but it looks better.

In the beginning...there was nothing...

Ok, first of all. I'm hosting this site on angelfire, which means that I'm too cheap to pay for a host without banners. So, there are pop-ups. If you don't already have one, I suggest that you download a pop-up blocker. They don't put any spyware on your pc, they are worth it and make your browsing experience overall better. Here are a few that I know of, I suggest google because it is stripped down and doesn't have any other 'extras' that I don't want.

Google Toolbar
Yahoo Toolbar
Msn Toolbar
Netscape Toolbar

On to the 'good' stuff-
Eventually-eventually, this page will be constructed fully, and it might have some useful content, until then, it will serve as a storage area, maybe a basement.