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my expressing site
Thursday, 31 July 2003
yup so i went for a job interview today but thelady said i was to younge so ya i guess i aint gettin a job there:[ but w/e i'm sure u can find sumone to hirer me....i'm going to the lake tomorrow all alone with my rents so yay for me 0.0 anywho jade is leaving at like umm 30mins ... i might go out for a bit with nikki and melissa but meh i dont really feel like it itss sooooo hot i got to drive today tho it was funny i'm a bad driver:] then we got pulled over by the cops for running a red light haha ahhh good times
welll i dont think anyone reads this soo i'll just say by to my self

Posted by cantina/blissfullangel at 11:10 AM
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003

ya so do today is all blah like yup it is hmmm jade doesnt want to go to the doctors and i really think she should....brittney has depression which is completely odd for her cuz seh;s a happy go lucky person but hmm me and ajde are going sumwhere tonight i just got off the phone with melissa and she is comeing with us at 6:oo and ya kelly cant come cuz she has a soccer game and nikki is at the lake and jess is still grounded/////hmmmmm ya this was pointless but i'll tell ya what happend when i get home byebyre

Posted by cantina/blissfullangel at 9:27 AM
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003
its like 1:37ish in the morning and like i'm super bored i cant sleep no one is really one line sept marc he's a sweet <3 but ya so tomorrow is jades lastnight in town b4 she goes for a week to the big valley jambery thingy in camrose so ya that sux she'll be gone so long and jenna just gothome and she has to leave again like wow ppl leave alot anywho nothing really happened tonight....uhhh no nothing did and ya so my tummy hurts kinda i'm bored lol i wanna do sumthing but there nothing to do so early in the morning.. i wanna go to the fair now but its too late to change my mind about that plus i'm low on cahs i need a job badly hmmm guess i'll go byebye

Posted by cantina/blissfullangel at 8:43 PM
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its sooo boring here like holy shit....well this week hasnt really been to interesting.... i talked to jess yesterday and umm today awww i miss her i wish i wasn allowed to hang around with her but no my mom is sooo gay she wont let me ahng out with her cuz we got uhh in trouble lol but ya jade doesnt want to do anything and like i'm bored and ya mel's mom is gay now to she wants me and mel to take time away from each other like uhhh i dont no what els to say so ya i'll update l8er

Posted by cantina/blissfullangel at 5:13 PM
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