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((Dyon Avison))

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 21

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 225 lbs.

Eyes: Dark Blue

Hair: Black

Birthplace: Veridian City, Coruscant


The Darklight Syndicate
The Imperial Remnant

He has a semi-permanent smirk on his face which only seems to show itself during periods of tension and stress, as if the smirk lived for such occasions. His short black hair presents his chiseled visage with eagerness. His muscular form is outlined by a shirt which is worn under his coat.

Dyon was the child of Myrrdin and Rachel Avison. He was alone most of his childhood though, for, when he was three, going on four, his mother began to get sick. His father stayed with her, and Dyon was virtually forgotten for several months, his fourth birthday coming and going unnoticed. It was the last week of his mother's life that he finally saw her, though he didn't know it would be for the last time. It was the next day that she died; giving birth to a child that died later that same day as well. He learned a lesson that next month, a hard lesson. Never cry, not even when no one is watching, but especially not when someone is.

Myrrdin was formerly enlisted in the Imperial Remnant, Byss system, in his earlier years. He graduated at the top of his class from the academy in flight school. He was in charge of imperial freighter inspection on the Byss Asteroid for many years before he was forced to leave the Remnant as a Major in his late twenties due to a severe head-trauma he received while working. The Remnant granted him a small compensation: a residence on Byss and a small sum of credits to live on, which didn't last long. Soon after his leaving, he was offered a much more promising job, a job that could quickly make him rich enough to buy his family whatever they desired, a job with the Darklight Corporation. Myrrdin accepted the job and was assigned to the elite forces division, commanding a small troop of taskforce agents.

Myrrdin threw himself into his work for Darklight since Rachel's tragic day, completely ignoring the boy that lived in his home. Dyon almost raised himself, spending no time at home as soon as he was old enough and strong enough that he felt safe to venture out. He had always wanted to be a commander in the Imperial Navy. All the Imperial soldiers would respect him, and honor him, and look up to him; unlike his ignorant father whom would hardly speak to him. Though It was never completely safe, but he found many things out in that time. And even his peers seemed to ignore him, but it was not due to spite on their part, as he later found out, but because, he just didn't stand out enough to be noticed. And though it stung, it was probably the only thing that kept him safe much of that time. Bullies just, failed to notice him, which considering the quick temper that he was growing into, despite the lack of strength to match it, was a good thing.

His father began to notice him again about then, stirring up no measure of suspicion in the boy who was used to being alone. Suspicions were confirmed quickly, but, attention-starved as Dyon had come to be, he just ignored that. Ignored that his father only began to pay attention to him now that he was useful. He learned as he went, working a few years with his father, and actually, making the equivalent of a friend along the way. Eventhough his father had been forgetful and ignorant in the past, Dyon felt as if he could finally connect with someone in his still unsatisfying youthful life. This newly acquired 'friendship' would not last as fate would see it.

Dyon's father was sent on a secret assignment just days before Dyon's sixteenth birthday. Dyon had wished to join his father on this particular assignment, but the action was rejected by higher forces. Myrrdin would make his last trip on his own, without help nor acquaintanceship of his new found son-friend. Dyon would soon leave the Corporation, upon finding out his father's status, Missing In Action. After years of being separated from Darklight, his mission is decided, to retrieve his missing father-friend, at any cost. But first, Dyon is eager to live his childhood dream: to become an admirable Imperial officer in the Imperial Remnant.

On Dyon's seventeenth birthday, he signed up to study at the Imperial Academy. The first few years he had overly applied himself and managed to score the highest in his class two years in a row. Feeling confident and energetic, he signed up to train for the Pilot Corps of the Remnant. His progress in this field was only surpassed by his space combat skills and eagerness to rise to the top. He often spent hours in the simulation rooms training in every combat situation, fine tuning his reflexes and reaction times. He would often combine his ground training routine on the same days as his flight training. Dyon's day usually ended with a sweaty towel around his neck while sitting on the edge of his bed, nearly exhausted, but well worth the effort. He gained respect early from the instructors and helped them develop new stregic training programs for recruits.

...To Be Continued...