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Class of 1977

George P. Butler High School
Augusta, Georgia


BHS Class of 1977 - Lobby
Alma Mater
Commencement - BHS - Class of 1977

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ATTENTION:  If anyone happens to have a midi file of our Alma Mater, please send it to our Web Mistress! Several people have reported hearing it, but after extensive searching, we haven't been able to locate the file!

George P. Butler High School Alma Mater
by Kent Livingston '63

Dear Butler High, our Butler High,
We lift our song to thee
And pray thy love and truth and light
Our guide will always be.
May honor reign and strength prevail
To keep our spirit bold;
With splendor grand, we proudly stand
Forever White and Gold!

Our hearts are filled with memories
Of all the days gone by
We see with joy our victories
Remembering with a sigh.
Through all our lives and toward that mist,
When twilight time draws nigh;
We'll reminisce with gentle bliss
Our days at Butler High

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Site Design:  K. W. Randall-McGahee
Late Updated:  01/10/2007