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***this site is under construction. it is simply a layout now. ignore it please, unless you really want to read it, but it does require some explaining to be funny....***


TITLE OF SITE... SOMETHING LIKE, "MY DAUGHTER IS SO SMART AND DESERVES TO BE PAID." >.<... or maybe something more normal.. like, "Reconditioned Used Appliances Online"... w/e...

This will be some cheesy welcome message... this is some of the merchandise I have available at that odd shop that I own and run in cranbrook (address). for more information call "fake number so no one really calls me" or email me at "". actually, dont contact me. i don't like you, and if you call me it is most likely you will get my forgotten answering machine anyway. cheers for full mailboxes! woo!



SELF-CLEANING WASHER/DRIER (madi pretends she knows how to spell that)

dad, we can also change the fonts, colours, yadda yadda. most likely your URL (said 'url' not 'U. R. L.') is going to look something like this:

that is not a link, but most likely that's what it will look like...
tell me if you have any ideas, if not then i will stick with my welfy-insulting plans. tah-tah!

jannin wuz here.


appliance store,
on some street in cranhole

©this site is copyright of madi, cuz she's so awesome, and she is sick-ish, and still writing webpages, and mom is going to make her go for a walk >: \ .... dont you feel sad? money always helps.