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-coff- Long time no update -coff- I got home today from Asami's party, it was awesome n_n. Sorry about the lack of things going on in the site, school has been a killer and we've been running all over the place. Once I get out of school, I'll start working on the site a hell of a lot more. Love you people!
Ali-Kai was praying for school to end soon @ 9:47 PM

Yay! Happy Ali! Well, not so happy but quite content Ali. Aside from the fact that I sliced my thumb open on a dog food can lid yesterday, i am doing might fine. I roleplayed with Asami, for like, 2 hours, oO. And Hitoshi ish A-OKAY! She's glad to know that some people care about her, and I agree. x3 Mwahahaha. I might be going to Asami's sleepover party on Friday, my mother still needs to think about it. >.o Mreow. I'm all jittery, stupid medicine. Stupid cough. I went on a field trip on Thursday, and got some serious sun burn on my arms and my EARS. IT HURTS. DAMN IT HURTS. Btw, I'm working on my roleplaying characters section, should be up as soon as I get off my bum and start finsishing it.
Ali-Kai was cursing her sunburn @ 10:14 AM

[Note] Marli, count how many times I use the word damn.[/Note] Ok, this damn day SUCKED so bad, emotionally at least. Ok, wanna hear the whole damn story? Ok then, damn you. Alrighty, it got bad when I walked into the damn girl's locker room today (which is a ugly shade of rose pink), and I see one of my friends, an 8th grader that we (me and me pal Tabbie)call Hitoshi. So we run over and try to talk to her. Apparently, she had been damn dog sick for the past 2 damn days. She can barely walk, she can't eat anything or else she'll puke it all up, and her arms and legs are as stiff as damn hell. To top it off, she has been crying so much that her whole shirt is wet, and noone is at home to pick her up from school, because her damn mother won't leave work to get her. So, I gotta leave for my damn gym class, even though I don't want to. So far, I'm really bummed out, and rather pissed off. So then, when our damn activity is over and me and Tabbie are taking a break, we spot Hitoshi's damn teacher threating her that if she hears from someone that she used the damn F-word one more time, then she will be suspened for three damn days. Hitoshi bursts into tears and me and Tabbie drags her back inside. There, she tells us on how her classmates hate her and on how she doesn't have a whole lot of friends in the whole school, like, five friends (me and Tabbie included). I know how she feels, Being disliked and looked down upon from the damn preps and deviats sucks, majorly. We can hear these whores whispering about her from behind the lockers, and she gets even more hysterical and tells us on how she was locked into a hospital because she tried to commit suicide once last year. She said the same thing is happening again. So we escort her down the hallway and we don't see her again for the rest of the day. Then, during the last 15 damn minutes of Science, Tabbie gets called down to the office. She comes back a while later, then I get called down. i bring my stuff with me and haul myself down to the office, where I am dragged into the eith grade's guidance counselor office. There, the team counselor (we have to split up our students into "teams" in my school) asks me about Hitoshi and all this crap about what she said. So I spill everything out and tell him. He thanks me, and sends me off. Now, I am so damn scared that Hitoshi is going to do something stupid that I'm worried sick. Oh god, Hitoshi, if you are ok, please, please, don't do anything stupid. There are alot of nice people in the world...we just gotta find them...
Ali-Kai was hysertical @ 4:55 PM

Aaiiiie! The new site is up! and it has a tag board! n_n Awesome. You people spam it or use it as a personal message board and it's gonna go down. it's been a horribly boring Memorial Day. Just sat on my ass all day and played around on the computer. Momo got me up and running on one of my pet pages on Rained all day, and we went out to get some stuff for lunch, my mom was forced to use the back roads because the damn tourists are causing wall-to-wall traffic jams that make a 10 minutes ride 5 hours long. DAMN BENNIES! They are so f**** annoying. >.o They think we're zoo animals and enjoy the local "color", they clog up beaches with their fat bums and make the whole damn CITY stink of coconut sunscreen. And the TRAFFIC. With all the surfboards, and Jeeps, and those damn bennies think they are so cool, but they suck. They can't even body surf or boogie board. x_X...
Ali-Kai was hating tourists @ 8:45 PM


Please please bear with me, I had to move my site over to new name and there is going to be alot of broken links for a while. x_X Very sorry for any problems.

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