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What exactly is the AAFA you might ask? Well, its only the awesomest, most rockin' organization to hit this side of Saturn! The AAFA was created by Geoff Ramkawsky and Mary Ellen Gerepka way back in October of 2002. It stands for the fundamental virtues of teenagers everywhere: Alcohol Alcohol Friendship Alcohol. Thats seriously what AAFA stands for. Do not take this as what it seems to be, we are not actually advocating the consumption of alcohol by those persons under the age of 21. Instead, we are trying to increase awareness of the mass consumption of alcoholic substances done by teenagers on a regular basis. We are suggesting that friendship is a key to keeping teenagers alcohol free and safe. Friends, and friends alone can sway a teenagers opinion to the point of view that alcohol should not be consumed in mass quantities at all, and teenagers should not even think about drinking one can of beer before they are 21. And remember, only those who bear the official AAFA pin are really members. Watch out for pretenders and con artists, because they will try to lure you into a false sense of security, claiming to be one of us, when really they are not.

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