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1.      Content –

¨      Accuracy

-         Is the information in the resource accurate?

-         Are there political, ideological, or other biases?

¨      Authority   

-    Does the resources have a reputable organisation behind?

-         Are sources of information stated?

-         Can the author be contacted?

-         Is it possible to provide feedback?

¨      Currency

-         Is the resource updated? If so, how frequently does this occur?

¨      Scope

-         What items are included in the resource?

-         Is the resource focused on a narrow area or does it include related topics?

-         What is the level of detail provided about the subject? This is related to the level of audience for which the resource has been designed?

¨      Quality of writing

-         Is the text well written?

-         Are there any typing errors (or spelling, grammar etc.)?

¨      Affiliations

-         Sponsorship?

-         Are there other links and to what type of sites?

¨      Purpose and audience

2.      Layout-

-         Is the resource interesting to look at?

-         Are there diagrams/pictures to support the information?

-         Do the visual effects enhance the resource, distract from the content, or substitute for content?

-         Is there too much text (or too little)?

3.      Accessibility-

-         How difficult was it to find the site? e.g. Google search (how many pages of hits did I have to look through to find it, did the description match what’s on the site etc.), link from another site

-         what browsers is it compatible with, are there any pictures or plug-ins that take ages to download