Canada Revenue Agency

Stories of the Week

6 Jan - Canadian Tax Test Results

13 Jan - Canada Revenue Agency: How Canadians Pay their Taxes?

20 Jan - A Bizarre Tax Tale that Takes Another Twist

27 Jan - Proposed Landmark Action Lawsuit Against National Revenue Minister

3 Feb - The Canada Revenue Agency is Running a Contest

10 Feb - Are Politicians Breaking Canadian Tax Laws?

17 Feb - Audit shows CRA Employees Misusing Charge Cards

24 Feb - CRA Successfully Sued for $1.3 Million Rights Violation

3 Mar - Don Cayo examines “How the Tax Man Shafts the Taxpayer”

10 Mar - Judge Slams CRA for Mocking Couple

17 Mar - Canada’s Tax Ombudsman – Making a Difference!

24 Mar - Municipal Rep Beats Canada Revenue Agency in Tax Court

31 Mar - An Ex-lawyer who’s no Believer in the Taxman

7 Apr - Got spare land? Consider donating it.

14 Apr - CRA Staff Accused of Tax Fraud Scheme Part I of II

21 Apr - CRA Staff with $1.7-million Bank Account Part II of II

28 Apr - CRA Bankrupts BC Couple Over Nothing Part 1 of 2

5 May - CRA Bankrupts BC Couple Over Nothing Part 2 of 2

12 May - CRA Hides Serious Security Breach

19 May - Taxman's Skewed Appraisals Add Up to Abuse

26 May - Audit shows Tax breaks for Canadians Inconsistent

2 June - Keep Good Records!

9 June - Annual Tax Freedom Day Arrives in Canada

16 June - CRA Employee Profits from Tax Return Tampering

23 June - Teachers Win Case At Canadian Tax Court

30 June - CRA’s YouTube Gambit Garners 22,000 Tattling Tips

7 July - Get Your Tax Refund… If You Still Can

14 July - A Not so Bright Tax?

21 July - Irvin Leroux’s Sane Response to CRA’s Insane $5 Million Dollar Mistake

28 July - Tim Louis Withholds Tax Over Military Spending

4 Aug - The ‘Number One Method’ of Finding Audit Targets

11 Aug - Tax Deal Makes Us Feel Like Suckers

18 Aug - How the Rich Stay Rich - Brian Mulroney Part II

25 Aug - CRA Ordered to Keep Hands off Stripper’s Assets

1 Sept - A Small Victory for Common Sense

8 Sept - Yet One More CRA Employee Embezzler

15 Sept - The Best Investment Going? The Canada Revenue Agency

22 Sept – Yet One More CRA Employee Embezzlement Case

29 Sept – Tax Collector Combs Your Personal Tax Info Looking for Love

6 Oct - The Tax Man - An Expose Movie of the Canada Revenue Agency

13 Oct - So you think the Canada Revenue Agency is tough…

20 Oct - You Try to do the Right Thing and…

28 Oct - Pay Up and Shut Up or Pay Up and Beg

3 Nov - Poll says CRA Service is Deteriorating

10 Nov - The Arbitrary Nature of CRA Tax Reassessments

17 Nov – CRA Pays Millions to ex-Employees

24 Nov – Tree Workers Left out on a Limb

1 Dec – Toronto Sun’s Andy Donato Tax’s Canada’s Revenue Agency

8 Dec – CRA Sitting on $25.4M of Unclaimed Tax Refunds

15 Dec - Tax Collectors Treat Canadians with Pettiness & Disdain

20 Dec - First Report of Canada Revenue Agency Taxpayers' Ombudsman

22 Dec - CRA MUM on Santa Claus’ Tax Filings

29 Dec - 2 Days from the Diary of one Mr. Samuel Marchbanks

30 Dec - "Year End Tax Planning Can Save You Money”

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