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Canada Revenue Agency

Stories of the Week

1 Jan - An E-mail from a 'Curious' Reader

8 Jan - CRA Ordered to Pay $25,000 to Harassed Taxpayer

15 Jan - 1 in 35 Canadians currently indebted to the CRA?

22 Jan - CRA Confidentiality: Famous People Matter and YOU Don't!

29 Jan - CRA sends Confidential Tax Records to Kingston Pen Inmate

5 Feb - CRA & Detaxer Unite in Desperation bid to Discredit CRA SOTW

12 Feb - ANOTHER Man Shocked After Receiving Someone Else's Confidential Tax Info

19 Feb - Have Canadians Ever Had the Right to Pay the Lowest Tax Allowed by Law? Part I of II

26 Feb - Have Canadians Ever Had the Right to Pay the Lowest Tax Allowed by Law? Part II of II

5 Mar - Do Canadians Need an Independent CRA Ombudsman?

12 Mar - Happy 4th Anniversary to the Canada Customs & Revenue Agency Story of the Week


27 Mar - The Beginning of the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Story of the Week

3 Apr - Getting to Know Your Tax Employees, it's a Good thing! #4 - M Leugner

10 Apr - Write-offs You Likely Never Thought Of!

17 Apr - Has a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Employee Violated Your Privacy?

24 Apr - Try Not to Curse as Income Tax Turns Ninety!

1 May - Canada Revenue Agency Criminal Investigators Given Badges

8 May - Huge Cost Of Maintaining Canada's Tax System

15 May - Landmark Court Decision shoots Down the Canada Revenue Agency (UPDATE)

22 May - Revenge of the Canada Revenue Agency?

29 May - Government Announces Taxpayer Bill of Rights & Taxpayers' Ombudsman

5 June - CRA Employee Alleged to have Embezzled $131,000

12 June - Information Commissioner Investigates Systemic Abuse in CRA

19 June - CRA & Skelton Soundly Criticized over Taxpayer Rights & Ombudsman

26 June - Canada Revenue Agency to correct Punitive Interest Rates?

3 Jul - CRA Brushes Off Taxpayer - Has Nothing Changed?

10 Jul - SIN(s) Stolen From Tax Agency Causing Problems

17 Jul - A "How to Survive the Civil Service" Primer

24 Jul - CRA Mails Confidential Tax Info to former Employee

31 Jul - Furious Judge Berates Tax Agency

7 Aug - How 82 Canadians Feel About CRA Employee Incompetency

14 Aug - The Secret Detax Papers of the Canada Revenue Agency

21 Aug - CRA Employee Sentenced for Fraud and Breach of Trust

28 Aug - Canadian Fined after Paying their Tax Early

4 Sep - Here's a Thought: 'One Big Tax' would be simpler for all'

11 Sep - CRA Creates Huge Headache - Then Admits Mistake

18 Sep - !NEW! Canada Revenue Agency CRA SOTW TAX TALE OF THE WEEK INDEX

25 Sep - It isn't just the Canada Revenue Agency that Keeps Secrets

2 Oct - "The Killing of a Housewife" by Revenue Canada?

9 Oct - Canadian Court Opens Up e-Bay Data to Tax Agency

16 Oct - Doesn't the CRA Like Foster Parents?

23 Oct - More Foster Parents the CRA Wrongly Assessed

30 Oct - Mortgage Interest Case Heads to Supreme Court

6 Nov - Canada Revenue Agency Guilty of Racist Comments?

13 Nov - Still Wondering How Your Tax Dollars are Spent?

20 Nov - Canada Revenue Agency Squeeze has Sick Man Facing the Street ...

27 Nov - Sick Man Part II (and other Absurdities) Solved!

4 Dec - Canada Revenue Agency Employee Steals $150K from the CRA

11 Dec - Child Support Wiped out by CRA Tax Collection

18 Dec - Canada Revenue Agency Auditor Believes the Ukraine is in South America

25 Dec - Two Days from the Diary of Samuel Marchbanks

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