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Canada Revenue Agency

Stories of the Week

3 Jan - A BIG Thank you to Kato Ramstein26 Doc Holoiday flynnfx

10 Jan - AND NOW... for something COMPLETELY Different!

17 Jan - Canadian Criminals no Longer Required to File Tax Returns?

24 Jan - Of course you pay taxes! But shouldn't we all?

31 Jan - How to Bring Down the Canada Revenue Agency ( CRA ) On .55 Cents a Day

7 Feb - How the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Screwed Dave Mihal Almost. Part I of IV

14 Feb - How the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Screwed Dave Mihal Almost. Part II of IV

21 Feb - How the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Screwed Dave Mihal Almost. Part III of IV

28 Feb - How the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Screwed Dave Mihal Almost. Part IV of IV

7 Mar - An Interesting Letter to Ellen Howard of the Hamilton Taxation Services Office

14 Mar - Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Story of the Week 3rd Anniversary


28 Mar - The Inanity of Jennifer Steele and Walter Weurtz

4 Apr - Don't Breach Client Confidentiality Nathalie Dean, Nathalie Dean

11 Apr - Dave Falcon, Continental Bank of Canada, A $236,000,000 Tax Debt & Lucky Dogs

18 Apr - Taking the Tax Law into Your Own Hands

25 April - Getting to Know Your Tax Employees, it's a Good thing! #3 - M Leugner

1 May - Real Tax Employees - Cindy Manser

8 May - Your Tax Dollars at Work: Senior Civil Servant Defrauds Taxpayers of $17K+

15 May - A Lesson Why Not to Lie to the Tax Collector!

22 May - Does Canada Really Need Tax Protesters?

29 May - A Letter from Garth Turner

6 June - Maybe Virginia there is a Santa Claus!

13 June - B.C. Pensioner Insists He's Not Dead - Despite CRA's Claim to Contrary

20 June - Why a Canada Revenue Agency Story of the Week?

27 June - A Tax Collector's Wet Dream? Ben Johnson!

4 July - Only God Knows

11 July - CRA Employee Sterling Andrew Fish Privately Charged with Fraud

18 July - A Letter from the President of the Union of Taxation Employees (UTE)

25 July - What Happened When Glenn Dunphy & Gary Trinh Breached Security?

1 Aug - Furious Judge Berates the Canada Revenue Agency

8 Aug - How 82 Canadians Feel About CRA Employee Incompetency

15 Aug - Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Legal Warning Time Limits

22 Aug - CRA Employee Accused of Fraudulently Refunding $270,000 to Friends

29 Aug - 'Federal tax officials inept,' Judge Rules - But it's not what you think!

5 Sept - 'Mistakes Happen,' Canada Revenue Agency Explains - TIMES 2

12 Sept - Who Stole James Stanley's Car?


26 Sept - Greg W. Evans - Another Day, Another CRA Security Breach/Cover Up

3 Oct - The CRA Cannot Force 'Crooks' to File Incriminating Returns

10 Oct - Canada Revenue Agency 'Kills' Again

17 Oct - Why Did Dino Invade a Tax Employee's Privacy?

24 Oct - Something to Make You Laugh. And Cry

31 Oct - The Private Detax Papers of PSAC & the CRA Part I of V

7 Nov - The Private Detax Papers of PSAC & the CRA - Part II of V

14 Nov - The Private Detax Papers of PSAC & the CRA - Part III of V

21 Nov - The Private Detax Papers of PSAC & the CRA - Part IV of V

28 Nov - The Private Detax Papers of PSAC & the CRA - Part V of V

4 Dec - Landmark Court Decision shoots Down the Canada Revenue Agency! Part I of II

11 Dec - Landmark Court Decision shoots Down the Canada Revenue Agency! Part II of II

18 Dec - Canadian Press (CP) & CRA Employees Confirm the "Tax Tales"

25 Dec - Two Days from the Diary of Samuel Marchbanks

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