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image of a man feeding birds

Use what you like but please remember to transload or upload the graphic(s) to your own scrapbook or server. The image name is followed by the byte size (e.g. 7k). This tells how big the file is and how long it will take to load. The higher the number, the longer it will take. Byte size can be brought down using an online tool such as My Imager. Some of the images are followed by the size of the picture. The first number represents the height, the second number is the width. These should always be included in your code. The code should look like this:
<<>img height="196" width="350" border="0" src=""<>>

ani3deer.gif 10k

anibambi.gif 19k

anibee.gif 2k 45x45

anibfly.gif 12k

anibflyblue.gif 1k

anibflynflowers.gif 15k 120x120

anidaffypaint.gif 15k

anidolphinjump.gif 10k

anieagle.gif 14k

anifrogjump.gif 13k

anifroglove.gif 10k

anifrogpeek.gif 6k

anihoverbflys.gif 5k 80x70

aniinchworm.gif 7k

animanfeedbirds.gif 15k 135x200

animarenfoal.gif 3k

aniorangebflys.gif 18k 170x452

anismilepup.gif 36k

aniworm.gif 20k

bearrun.gif 6k

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birdhouseright.gif 26k

birdsNbunnies.gif 42k 123x544

birdsNbunnieso.gif 6k 84x385

birdsnflowers.gif 29k

bunnywflowers.gif 20k 192x162

collienkitten.gif 40k 401x544

cuteduckling.gif 5k

deerinwoods.jpg 19k 248x351

deerrun.gif 8k

eagleinflight.jpg 11k

eaglenflag.gif 15k 176x203

eagleonstump.jpg 25k

fishingeagle.gif 34k

fox.gif 23k 232x304

framedsnowleopards.gif 62k

jungle.gif 34k 333x180

killerdog.gif 10k

majesticbuck.jpg 12k

moonlithorses.jpg 16k 354x544

parrots.gif 73k 325x235

pupbasket.jpg 9k 182x259

pupsnduck.jpg 16k

purplebfly.gif 9k 139x152

purplebflysm.gif 2k 42x46

purplebflysmleft.gif 2k 42x46

purplebutterfly.gif 11k 224x312

sheep.gif 1k 32x32

sheep2.gif 1k 62x66

springbirds.gif 33k 378x390

swanmom.gif 18k

swanwaterfall.gif 31k

welcomebear.gif 7k 151x309

whtdognrose.gif 15k

winterbuckdoe.gif 195k 507x442

wolfwinter.gif 82k

wolvesnmoon.gif 12k 253x275

yellowbfly.gif 3k 128x134