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Your Day

This is the day you have been fantasizing about, struggling over, planning over day after day for the last year. Yes it takes about that long to plan. Mine did!! Look forward to a day that starts at 6 am in the morning. Go for breakfast with your bridesmaids. Then its off to the hairdresser, for makeup and hair. Keep in mind things will get hectic. I got ready at my matron of honors' house and I ended up sitting in the bathroom waiting for someone to bring my dress to me. When the photographer showed up, finally some noticed I was missing and they came to get me. After getting my dress on, it was time for photographs, tons of them. My limo arrived and as I walked out to the car, I burnt my veil with my cigarette. Never smoke once you are dressed. We arrived at the church an half hour late. Thank goodness everyone waited. Things can go wrong. The excitement continues to build as the day goes on. In your mind you wonder about everything you did or didn't do, and is everything going to go smoothly. Let me warn you now , something is always amiss. But that's the fun of it. The little misshaps that you will always look back on and laugh.

Walking down the aislebridelooking

Once the service is over, you can relax and breathe, for now you are married. Next you will be whisked away for more photographs, so be prepared to smile the whole day long. You will probably spend a couple of hours at least taking pictures in your favorite spot that you have previously arranged with the photographer. From there it will be on to the hall or reception area, where you will stand in line and greet your guests or whatever traditions you follow. After all your guests are seated your bridal party will march in and then maybe if you want your best man will do the honour of annoucing you and you new husband and you will proceed to the dinner table. Supper will be served and if you lucky to avoid the clanging glasses, you will be able to finally relax and eat something. After dinner, the speeches are done and hopefully short and sweet. This is where the bride and the groom ususally get funny, if not embarrassing stories told about them. By this time, your band or DJ should be set up. From here, you will proceed with your bridal dance as the new husband and wife, while everyone in the place has their eyes on you both. Usually there is a dance for the wedding party and then everyone joins in. After that, the party usually gets going with everyone dancing and enjoying your special day.

walking out of the church

In this world of uncertainty and confusion,
we have found each other, totally different
yet alike;
Having the desire to combine these likes
with the joys of solved differences
we have grown together in love and understanding
climaxing this day.

Love Poems