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Parish Organizations

The following organizations exist within the parish

St Paul's Guild. All women in the parish are automatically members of the Guild which meets on the third Thursday of the month at 12noon starting with a brown bag lunch and devotional before the business meeting. The Guild organises the Parish's Advent offering for the Church overseas, as well as much of the Social Life of the parish. The Ladies's Guild also organises the annual Rummage Sale in August and the Bake Sale and Bazaar in November. Contact: Denise Robinson -

St. Clare Circle An informal group for all those interested in handicrafts to socialize while they work on their individual projects. The meeting ends with a brief devotional. Meets 10.00am till Noon on the fourth Saturday of the month. Contact: Denise Robinson

Altar Guild. Prepares the sanctuary for worship and takes care of the altar vessels and other liturgical "hardware." Training provided. Contact: Sharon Orley c/o the Parish Office (928)778-6018

Saturday Morning Squad. An informal men's group that meets on several times a year to clean up around the outside of the church, and more regularly to do minor repair work. If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Rev. Peter Robinson at (928)778-6018, or Tom Flowers (928)778-6224.

The parish also supports a number of local charities. These include:

Habitat for Humanity
Prescott Area Women's Shelter
Quixote's Garage

And the following mission and evangelistic organisations:

The Missionaries of St. Paul
The Gideons

The parish also makes "one off" donations to worthy causes. In the past these have included the Anglican Catholic Diocese of New Orleans Outreach Fund in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and to mission partnership projects undertaken by the Anglican Church in the Congo, and by the Missionary Diocese of the Carribean in Haiti.

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