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S&CLR&T Photos - page 2

Progress update March 23rd 2011.

Skebawn Station

Temporary loop in place. The site on the left of the drainage channel will be the site of the carriage shed. The cattle dock siding will be along the fence line closer to the photographer. The engine shed and workshop will be located next to the carriage shed, and the goods shed and the passenger station on the right hand side of the loop.

Waiting for the Off

Ruby with the afternoon 'down' mixed. Station building will be to the left where the concrete slab is positioned. I have not completely made my mind up what will be along the fence line. The large pile of earth at the back of the station will be used for embankments at the other end of the line. Kent Street will be where the muck pile is presently.

The New Four Wheeler

Roof on, but needs painting. Handrails?!? End of line is behind the carriage, but the right-of-way is cleared for another fifteen to twenty feet.