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Luis's Trick Tips for Skateboarding

I've decided to make a new webpage based soley on my life and what I feel like slappin' out onto the web. Since I don't skate as much I won't make new trick tips (maybe I will occassionally). Anyway, go to This Is My Life now.~1-12-02

Stupid Jeremy!:

Entry 7: My friend Jeremy crashed his grandpa's car. Hes underage and basically stole the car. However, me and many others think Jeremy is blowing this shiznit outta proportion. Saying things like hes gonna go to jail for 4 years and stuff. It gets annoying. Personally I think hes just doing this for attention. A few months ago he said he was (and still is gay). But, I think it's another crazed attempt at attention. Once he even said his mom was dead, which isn't true. I don't know what to think of him anymore. Truly puzzled I am.~1-6-02

Good times Good times:

Entry 6: I just got back from my friends little schindig. It was pretty fun, and it felt like an old memory being with my friends from 8th. Check out a pic of the guys and me from 7th grade:

Man it looks like things were so dandy then. No one hated anyone, and Jeremy wasn't gay (literally). Everyone was happy, Michael even smiled for the picture (the guy in the Orange shirt). Smiles. Fun. Theres still fun but the group is sorta split up =(. Hopefully things will get back to the way they were. 7th grade was the most fun out of all so far.

Back to Aggie's party! We saw American Pie again - so funny. Chatted, had fun. Hope she does it again next weekend or something. It's a lot better than staying home and being bored. Plan another one again Aggie! Aggie rules!~1-5-02

Happy New Years:

Entry 5:

God I'm bored right now. Going to my aunts with my cuz Steve to party. Life is hitting a low. Not girl-wise or anything, just fun factor. Skating isn't as appealing as it used to be in 6th grade. No matter how hard I try skating just doesn't make me feel the way it used to. Wtf is happening to me? I've been brainwashed or something. Nonetheless I will continue to skate. Hopefully my skating spark will rekindle

And whats with this guitar explosion? A year ago (when I started) it was something not everyone had or did. Now a huge chunk of my friends have gotten or are getting them. My response to this is this: If you have a guitar and make up your own songs then you're ok and kewl. If you play songs that are on the radio or just plain suck then you're a poser. Sure it seems harsh but it's my opinion on the guitar explosion.

Maybe something will come along and liven up my life. Later~12-31-01

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