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Sakura Fire - Version: School is Out w00t!
Sakura Fire
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Incantations -
Episode Guide -
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Captor Costumes -
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Guardian Quiz -
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Site Services
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Premade Layouts -
Our Policy -
Ordering Form -

Since July 14, 2001
[ Our Policy ]

Here are how layouts work. I will accept 5 layout requests at a time, then this page will close until I am finished with those layouts. Please note that these are not personal layouts. Once I finish a layout, it will be posted in the "premade layouts" section for everyone to download.

If you'd like to order one, please e-mail me with the subject: "Sakura Fire layout request." Send me the following information:

- Picture on banner:
- Main Colors (at least 2):
- 3/2/1 column (choose one):
- Extra descriptions:

The more descriptive you are, the less likely I will delete your request. ^.~

The anime series of Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptors are (c) to CLAMP, Nelvana, Kodansha, EMOTION, and all other rightful owners. All writtent content/graphics/images are (c) to this site unless otherwise stated. Plagiarizing is untolerable at this site.