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Welcome to Phuoc’s Osaka Homepage!!!




(This page is made possible by the generosity and commitment to international goodwill of the

Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships program for which I am deeply grateful.)







Thank you for visiting!  This website is for the enjoyment of friends, family, Rotarians, and those associated with or are interested in the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships.  It will be updated once or twice a week with new pictures and journal entries.  If you have any comments or suggestions please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at







Journal Entries:



Picture Gallery:



Flowers Gallery:



Interesting Images Gallery:






Useful Links:

·       For those who want to learn more about Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships please click here.

·       If you would like to read more about Japan here is the Lonely Planet’s quick intro.

·       The Osaka YWCA , where I am studying from April until July.

·       Please visit the site of J-House, the “Funky” church I attend on Fridays and Sundays.




Last updated on June 26, 2001 by Phuoc Le.

(**Privacy note:  Because of my host family’s wish to remain anonymous I do not mention them at all in this homepage.  However, please be aware that I am having a wonderful experience, much of which is attributable to the help of my host family.  Thank you!!!)