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Chinese Nasal Tufts (page 3)


bred by J. P. Isom


One thing that I want to do sometime this year (2007) is to visit Beijing and meet other Chinese Nasal Tuft breeders.  If any visitor to this site has contacts there, I'd appreciate an email or other information for them. Thanks.

(You can post the information in my guestbook -- I will be the only one to see it, since I've set the book for me to check all postings before they appear.)

The birds below are simply some from my loft.


Black Two Patches Nasal Tuft and whistels - J P Isom

Black Two-Patches and Whistles


Pair of Ash-red ringbreast Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeons - J P Isom

Pair of Ash-red Ringbreast Chinese Nasal Tufts


recessive red spot Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeon - J P Isom

Recessive red spot Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeon


Black Spot Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeon - J P Isom

Black Spot Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeon


pair of black spot Chinese Nasal Tuft Pigeons - J P Isom

Pair of black spot Chinese Nasal Tuft pigeons


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